None of that means that a person should get permabanned for disliking it.
It's absolutely absurd to even warn somebody that Thou Shalt Not Dislike Sync. Fuck those mods. And based on this alone, Fuck Sync.
It's not even mean. And this isn't some niche sub specifically about Sync. It's the most generic sub imaginable. Are they paid by Sync?
FYI Izzy got permabanned for stating this opinion. That's really insane.
F droid is EXCELLENT
One more reason I hate sp0tify
They literally don't have a choice. No decent candidate has made it through the primaries in decades. In the GE voters can only choose between two Monstrous Goons whose job is to help corporations to dominate and exploit the citizens.
I'm surprised anybody was getting in vehicles with him after the coup attempt.
I'm all for banning guns.
But I am NOT interested in simply removing a person's capacity to kill themselves and then leaving their desire to kill themselves intact... and then ignoring the conditions that are making hordes of people depressed enough to kill themselves.
I'm also 100% interested in the people who are depressed but who aren't suicidal. I want people to live their best lives. This conversation should be about them, about what's causing this about whether we can help. I want to know what's wrong. I want them to stop wanting to kill themselves.
Again, I'm not saying "don't go to therapy." We are talking about a nationwide phenomenon of depression, suicide, addiction. Therapy can help some of those people. But this phenomenon has some cause. All this talk of therapy is seeking to add therapy instead of removing the cause.
I want to respond to the cause itself, rather than only adding therapy.
Therapy can possibly help heal. I'm more interested in reducing the conditions which make therapy necessary.
This conversation is about how a user got permabanned for politely describing their dislike for the Sync app. You responded by saying that you like Sync. That's not a reason to permaban someone else.