
joined 2 years ago
[–] laverabe 5 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

If Poland were to suddenly surrender to Germany, everything would be “much better,” at least according to Donald Trump.

During an afternoon press conference Wednesday, the Republican presidential nominee urged the Eastern European nation to submit to the foreign power, claiming that any deal, no matter how dismal for Poland’s freedom, would have been better than the current state of affairs.

Poland is gone. It’s not Poland anymore. You can never replace those cities and towns, and you can never replace the dead people, so many dead people,” Trump said. “Any deal, even the worst deal, would have been better than what we have right now.

It's scary how few words I had to replace to make that work. Appeasement of a genocidal dictator does not have a good historical track record.

[–] laverabe 1 points 5 months ago

Just to save anyone else the search:

118th Congress (2023–2025) Majority Party: Democrats (47 seats) Minority Party: Republicans (49 seats) Other Parties: 4 Independents Total Seats: 100

[–] laverabe 1 points 5 months ago

I'd argue it doesn't have to be that way.

Lemmy is currently one of the few places online that can break free of media narratives because no corporation owns or runs it. It's all volunteers. It could be made into a great place for open policy discussion, that serves the public interest.

People are so used to the vitriol promoted by 24/7 corporate media that it will take a long time to change that, but you have to start somewhere. You have to chip away at their influence, otherwise things will only be worse in 20 years.

[–] laverabe 1 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (1 children)

Guns are a lot like a drug addiction. They feel good at first for fighting off the British, but eventually everyone gets one and starts shooting each other. Trying to take them away is like trying to get a needle from a heroin addict.

Politically it's impossible because of the control money has in our elections. And even if they made all guns illegal overnight, you just sent 400 million firearms directly to the black market... bad things would happen.

[–] laverabe 3 points 5 months ago (2 children)

Police are important too, no one really wants to live in a society where no laws are enforced, but I would agree that the source of violence really ultimately gets back to inequality and lack of democratic representation in representing the interests of those who have no power in the existing system.

Obviously that would start with getting money out of politics. People with opportunities and possibilities typically don't join gangs or kill thousands of people when they have stability in it's place. Most people want that, but can't due to a lack of representation in our government.

[–] laverabe 3 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (1 children)

I actually agree with some of your point.

Banning guns doesn't seem to be a winning policy politically anyway. It would be the most direct resolution but those sort of ideas almost never work in theory because of peoples fear.

I think we should go even deeper into why gangs exist to begin with and it's simply economically advantageous to do crime versus the alternative exploitive minimum wage job. And that we need to address income inequality completely before any major gun policy changes can happen.

Although gangs aren't the only shooters (probably actually a minority for many mass shootings). What would you propose for people who are just crazy? Mental health funding, but really that comes back around to it being nearly impossible to prevent all mental health issues with 8 billion people. It seems a lot easier just to get rid of the guns.

I know I circled back there... I guess there really is no good solution, lol

[–] laverabe 2 points 5 months ago

I'd like that as well, but do you think there wouldn't be any public policy to improve peoples lives?

It seems like Biden has done really nothing but people in the US forget what it was like 4 years ago.

  • Ended war in Afghanistan, first time US has been at peace since 2001 - at least direct involvement.
  • Inflation Reduction Act which could very well have saved the fate of humanity if historians look back at our climate in 100 years. It was the largest climate investment in US history.
  • Largest infrastructure bill in US history

As well as a few other things.

[–] laverabe 4 points 5 months ago

this is probably a really bad idea, but I feel like quality discussion only happens when minority opinions change those of the majority for the better of all.

[–] laverabe 2 points 5 months ago

I know this post is old but I encourage you to follow through on this, at least maybe starting a little smaller though ;) We need more young people in congress.

[–] laverabe 3 points 5 months ago

Like within realistic expectations. My first thought is renewal (hopefully permanently, at least until single payer) of the expanded healthcare marketplace subsidies that are set to expire next year if republicans gain a majority.

Would a public option be on the table if they gained a super majority?

[–] laverabe 18 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (1 children)

I realize I'm in /c/antiwork so it goes without saying it'd be nice if we have universal healthcare without all this baloney money being siphoned to these criminal insurance companies. Just trying to help anyone out in a similar situation. ;)

[–] laverabe 29 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (2 children)

If you make less than $103,000 / year (family of 3) and pay more than 9.5% of your household gross income on healthcare premiums, you will likely save thousands by using your state's healthcare marketplace. You are likely eligible because they fixed the family glitch, now the 9.5% applies to the cost for family rather than individual coverage as before.

Although the subsidies will likely end after 2025 if dems don't retain a majority in house/senate.

It could easily save you thousands of dollars a year... Like I'm 100% of it... Ask me how I know, lol. Please look into it. I think you have to wait til open enrollment in December? or when your healthcare renews annually. You might be able to do it immediately due to "hardship". I don't know the specifics of your situation but I'm pretty sure you and a lot of other people here would save a lot of money. I would talk with a healthcare_gov or your state agency agent, they get paid by the gov't to help you through it at no cost to you. You can also get a low HDHP and get your own HSA to essentially pay no taxes for medical expenditures. I hear fidelity is good, due to no fees.

Speaking of which, is there an active financial advice community on Lemmy (like that old site that should not be named) like /c/financialplanning or something like that?


...because I'm an idiot. Fortunately it was a backup drive, and I believe the only thing on it was backups of backups fortunately.

I was setting up to installing Debian on another computer and ran:

sudo dd bs=4M if=debian-12.4.0-amd64-DVD-1.iso of=/dev/s?? status=progress oflag=sync

to flash it to a usb drive. I hadn't realized the system had reassigned hard drive device ID from the previous day, and for about 3 seconds it executed before I terminated the process once I realized what I did.

I immediately created a disk image of the Data-Destroyed hard drive just in case I screwed something up in trying to recover it.

I ran testdisk, but I'm not really sure how to use it or how to try to recover the data. The drive mounts okay, and shows it has 19,336 items totalling 8.2 GB of the Debian system files.

Is this beyond repair?

403 Forbidden (
submitted 1 year ago by laverabe to c/cat

Asking being I just had take out about 40 screws and disconnect several board connectors to replace a simple damaged motor gear. Took a few hours for something that could easily take minutes to repair with a little thoughtful manufacturer design.

submitted 1 year ago by laverabe to c/linux

Or another similar Linux / non android based phone. Curious if these function adequately in place of an android phone for a daily driver.

Linux cell phone (self.freesoftware)

Does anyone own a Linux cell phone and use it as a daily driver?

There are a few out there, was just curious if anyone has one, and how good it works on a day to day basis.


primarily for small scale DIY


I was thinking a "random" button that links to a random community would be a useful feature, but I'm not sure where there is a community that discusses general ideas and changes to the Lemmy source.

Cameron's World (

I've been having a lot of lag on lately, moreso during certain times of the day. I'm not sure if this is because of geographic location or just burden on the server. shows a list of all servers and their uptime but does not give how long a server has been online. Uptime is a somewhat unreliable measure of reliability because they might have only been online for a day. gives the closest server but most local servers have only 1-4 users and there is no way to gauge whether those servers are reliable or trustworthy.

Is there a tool to find the closest server with a reliable uptime over a period of months with at least >100 users?

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