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[–] lastweakness 3 points 2 days ago
[–] lastweakness 6 points 2 days ago (8 children)

CPU usage is famously terrible with Electron, which i also pointed out in the comment you're replying to. But yes, having multiple chromium instances running for each "app" is terrible

[–] lastweakness 14 points 3 days ago (26 children)

Yes, it really is that bad. 350 MBs of RAM for something that could otherwise have taken less than 100? That isn't bad to you? And also, it's not just RAM. It's every resource, including CPU, which is especially bad with Electron.

I don't really mind Electron myself because I have enough resources. But pretending the lack of optimization isn't a real problem is just not right.

[–] lastweakness 8 points 3 days ago (1 children)

They didn't just quadruple. They're orders of magnitude higher these days. So content is a real thing.

But that's not what's actually being discussed here, memory usage these days is much more of a problem caused by bad practices rather than just content.

[–] lastweakness 14 points 3 days ago (32 children)

So we're just going to ignore stuff like Electron, unoptimized assets, etc... Basically every other known problem... Yeah let's just ignore all that

[–] lastweakness 2 points 1 week ago

The people you described aren't the ones being harassed

I think it's very hypocritical of you to assume that and then call me out for assuming something similar. And then you call this harassment? I made an assumption based on an assumption you felt free to make. But when I make a similar assumption, that's harassment?

If you are so confident in vegans harrassing almost-vegans who try to live without animal products, please name a single instance.

I've personally experienced it, both in real life and on social platforms, including lemmy. I just make it a point to try and avoid interactions like that these days. I don't go into vegan communities despite being really enthusiastic about stuff like meat substitutes because around 50% of my interactions have been terrible. And 50% is a terrible number btw. The false equivalences, the assumptions and other issues even in this post's comments section is kind of alarming. But yeah... Play a victim if that's what suits you i guess.

I like the concept of veganism, but your community isn't the best to outsiders. One day that too will change hopefully.

[–] lastweakness 10 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

What vegan is out there calling non-vegans rapists?

I've been told that before. Not being vegan implies you support terrible breeding practices which makes you a rapist... apparently... Which is especially dumb considering nobody likes the terrible breeding practices to begin with

[–] lastweakness 3 points 1 week ago

You could write a script to automatically watch for new files in a folder and strip metadata from every file i guess. I had done something like that for images way before.

[–] lastweakness 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Sounds delicious

[–] lastweakness 2 points 1 week ago

Use it but don't rely on it. Celeste uses rclone. The rclone support was temporarily disabled from Proton's end a while back and also, the rclone backend still has a bunch of bugs and the developer seems to have gone missing

[–] lastweakness 2 points 1 week ago

I installed Windows on a device yesterday. I had to switch to the command prompt and type in "OOBE\BYPASSNRO" in order to just not connect it to the internet and skip the Microsoft sign in prompt. And that seems to work for the most part. Sending diagnostic data is still required and not optional but ah well.

A few days ago on another friend's setup, he didn't know that this option existed (who does really), so he signed up for a Microsoft account, logged in and his Documents and other folders were automatically getting synced to OneDrive. Now, for you and me, we understand that just uninstalling OneDrive should fix that or even just disable that feature itself. But this is opt-out and not opt-in. And he doesn't really understand it's getting synced, he simply sees that there's oddly increased data usage. This is the kind of person who will have recall enabled without ever realising it exists or even using it, but will still have it as a potential security issue waiting to happen on his setup.

It's all the opt-ins that Microsoft does. Everything defaults to "yes, do that worst thing possible". And you and me will probably switch it off, but we're not the average person. The average person doesn't understand or care.

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