This is also every all-staff meeting my work has ever had.
I've been put under multiple times and am on vyvanse, no one has ever said anything to me about it and I've never had issues.
I can't say that I've ever had it raise my blood pressure, either, like @thedrivingcrooner (no idea if I did that mention right) said they were told, but I have excruciatingly low blood pressure normally so it's possible the doctors just didn't consider it a potential issue in my case. I wish it would raise my blood pressure lol.
I am not autistic (I don't think, anyway), but have a host of other issues. I have the same reaction as you to social situations, and the suck of having to cancel things I enjoy because I just can't do more social at the moment. And the guilt of being unreliable because of it all. It took me a very long time to get up the nerve to do this, but if the above involves people I know well -in my case, usually coworkers - I am just super blunt and up front with them. "I am not feeling great / I'm not up to this, I'm sorry I won't be joining you / I'm going to head home now ". etc. I've done it long enough now that they are used to it, and they can see that when I am up to it, I do whatever it is I need to do. I just got sick of finding excuses when I was pretty sure they all knew it was bullshit anyway. It's had some positive results for me, too, in that they stopped asking me to do some things because they knew I was probably going to be burned out by then and nope right out of it later.
And everyone but the poor Afghans knew this was how it was going to play out from the start. :(
That's exactly why I was excited for a new fridge as a kid! My dad cut a window and a closable door in it, and it had a little, lop-sided chimney. It was also painted the most god-awful burnt orange lol
None. They aren't funny and clutter up feeds. I block every meme and related community I come across so I can more easily find actual meaningful content.
Oh, trust me, you are not alone. Our 2 biggest offenders are also "highly religious, pious men", so there's that, too.
I work for a fire marshal. We get complaints about stuff like this allll the time.
It's a good thing they've got their back entrance locked up so no one could steal your suitcase!
FYI Humanity is currently in the free Game Library on PS+. It's almost 5am here and my brain isn't working right, otherwise I'd tell you the specific PS+ tier.
Sniper Elite 5. That series is like my sneaky sniper comfort food. I also just got a sonos arc soundbar and subwoofer and tried it out for the first time with the game. In the sonos app, they are now under the media group named, "Boom!Headshot". lol
That looks like it was so satisfying to click.