Didn't see that in the article, sounds interesting ... where can I read more?
Newton's classical observations have stood up well.
If anything, it's quantum that has been poorly treated by generations of explaining-away. The world of the tiny must be predicted with probabilities because there is no way for us to observe it directly. It's not rolling dice ... we -have- to.
While trying out models of what it's doing boggles our minds, our limitations mean we cannot decide whether it's really deterministic. Reality isn't limited that way. (Einstein was right.)
Some astronomers recently took a clever look for whether space is quantized into a 'froth'. They studied monochrome light from stars 18 billion light years away, at redshift z=2.34. They found evidence of quantization into froth in all that time. https://arxiv.org/abs/2001.06016
Came down from the hill
Still had to carry firewood.
Baking bread's more fun.
Water scouring the surface? Or was it thousands years of wind-blown sand / dust? Dunes have ripples.
There is no water on Mars (not to be confused with liquid CO2) until somebody goes there and drinks some. Anything else is hoping for water to justify the $100billion price tag.
I'd learn to speak zombie. Doesn't take long, it's mostly throat noises. And walk like a zombie, just pretend a horse kicked you in the ass yesterday.
She puts on a good show ... does her promos ... then lambastes Californians because they didn't put out the fire with ocean water. Anyone who said 'Well, duh' to that belongs in her club ... the 'if I can talk really fast I must be smart' club.
For me, any office apps. Never worked in an office, never wanted to. None of that stuff. Even if it's free, if it gets installed with the distro, it's the first thing that gets tossed.
Lucky me, I go to sleep when I'm tired, wake up when I'm not.
Rated 5.5 on IMDB. Cud see why in 15 secs.
Imperialism is different than taking the land outright.
Agreed. But a threat can be the beginning of a negotiation. Historically, the US wants the appearance of sovereignty to remain - even democracy if possible - just keep the right people in power.
There is A LOT of radioactive matter below the earth's surface ... constantly generating heat.
"About 50% of the Earth's internal heat originates from radioactive decay. Four radioactive isotopes are responsible for the majority of radiogenic heat because of their enrichment relative to other radioactive isotopes: uranium-238 (238U), uranium-235 (235U), thorium-232 (232Th), and potassium-40 (40K)." - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth%27s_internal_heat_budget