
joined 4 months ago
[–] jorp 5 points 3 hours ago

Your example works but it's more like because capitalism concentrates wealth and power and little guys have no chance

[–] jorp -4 points 1 day ago

Yes and so accessibility options that allow the player to customize the experience are what is being suggested.

If the game were made trivially easy then it would be alienating the people you describe.

Player choice is how games are made more accessible.

[–] jorp 43 points 1 day ago

If she didn't want to be abused why did she ever have fun in her life before or after the abuse? Mixed signals.

You moron.

[–] jorp 5 points 1 day ago

damn where do I sign up to live in simple naive fantasy land

[–] jorp 25 points 2 days ago

I feel like the effort to make such a repo and make it popular enough to be cloned and rehosted is a lot more effort than someone manually checking the results of an automated filter process.

The "effort economy" is hugely in favor of the mirroring side

[–] jorp 2 points 2 days ago

Sorry I didn't realize it wasn't a gobal feature. I use "Connect" on Android or the web client.

[–] jorp 0 points 3 days ago

I'm not sure why you think we need an apartheid colonial ethnostate at all. Nor how you expect having pockets of Palestinian state embedded like oil into water in the region that Israel controls will yield a lasting peace TBH.

two state solution sounds fair, but nations with border tension and decades of bad blood don't really get along even when simply bordering one another let alone when you have two disjoint Palestinian territories embedded in a territory that Israelis consider their promised land.

No state whose identity is ethnically or religiously defined will work in that situation.

You would need some kind of major cultural shift towards egalitarianism and away from religious and ethnic identity in that region to make that work.

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