
joined 4 months ago
[–] jorp 1 points 2 hours ago

Sorry I didn't realize it wasn't a gobal feature. I use "Connect" on Android or the web client.

[–] jorp 1 points 4 hours ago

I'm not sure why you think we need an apartheid colonial ethnostate at all. Nor how you expect having pockets of Palestinian state embedded like oil into water in the region that Israel controls will yield a lasting peace TBH.

two state solution sounds fair, but nations with border tension and decades of bad blood don't really get along even when simply bordering one another let alone when you have two disjoint Palestinian territories embedded in a territory that Israelis consider their promised land.

No state whose identity is ethnically or religiously defined will work in that situation.

You would need some kind of major cultural shift towards egalitarianism and away from religious and ethnic identity in that region to make that work.

[–] jorp 7 points 4 hours ago (5 children)

The user labelling feature is nice because I knew you were a zionist loser before even reading this nonsense

[–] jorp 2 points 1 day ago

Everyone is an anti simit why are all of you jew haters trying to stop the state of Israel from committing genocide your simitisim is showing you're basically Hitler for wanting to prevent a genocide why are you so simit

[–] jorp 12 points 3 days ago

I sure hope no buildings are damaged as society collapses from climate change strain

[–] jorp 1 points 1 week ago

You typically can't record DRM content, you might be able to crack HDMI security and record that way.

Hardware DRM doesn't expose decrypted video data to anything in the host operating system

[–] jorp 0 points 1 week ago (1 children)

The insulting part isn't that you think less of me it's that you think highly of yourself. You're nothing

[–] jorp 0 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Oh very funny meme!!! There's a straight line through Hammurabi's code, the Magna Carta, and a fucking tired old Reddit slogan. Way to have a worldview based on what a bunch of basement dwelling Redditors comment on every thread in /r/watchpeopledie or some shit.

You're so enlightened.

I'd trade your life for any one of theirs tbh, presumably their brains haven't completely rotted yet if they're still able to make the difficult trek. The "migrant" equivalent of you is drooling on himself repeating slogans he memorized online at his computer.

We need less of you and more of them

[–] jorp 11 points 1 week ago (5 children)

you're advocating for the intentional drowning of people for the horrible crime of.... wanting to enter your country?

not sure what new evil migrants can bring to your homeland when you exist

[–] jorp 3 points 1 week ago

Only you know the truth!

[–] jorp 11 points 1 week ago

yes you're right this is a lawsuit about too much profit and it will directly set a precedent where companies aren't allowed to have too much profit.

Pretty smart, as a leftist maybe I'll sue every corporation for being privately owned, this is a whole new avenue for systemic change. You opened my eyes

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