
joined 11 months ago
[–] johannesvanderwhales 2 points 1 hour ago
[–] johannesvanderwhales 9 points 2 hours ago

It also showed that realistic hacking could make for interesting screen drama. Hacking a offside backup company by coming in for an interview and installing a trojaned wifi router.

[–] johannesvanderwhales 1 points 2 hours ago

Not really. A lot of companies like to "try before they buy"

[–] johannesvanderwhales 3 points 2 hours ago (1 children)

And those recipe changes were probably aimed at lowering costs, not increasing quality.

[–] johannesvanderwhales 5 points 2 hours ago

There are a lot of entry level jobs that basically assume new employees know nothing, anyway. Seems like this will just further devalue degrees and emphasize work experience for hiring.

[–] johannesvanderwhales 5 points 2 hours ago

That's true for soda and beer lines, too...

[–] johannesvanderwhales 2 points 2 hours ago

If you look at the straps on her outfit,it looks like it's two people.

[–] johannesvanderwhales 21 points 3 hours ago

Look turning evil shouldn't happen, but UX best practices dictate that you should inform the user of the error so that they can troubleshoot the problem. Red eyed murder robots are good user experience!

[–] johannesvanderwhales 103 points 1 day ago (1 children)

This doesn't look like a woman without makeup, it looks like a woman with makeup with a filter over her face.

[–] johannesvanderwhales 11 points 1 day ago

This is true of a lot of large companies in general. The fact that they make money in spite of this shows how much the markets favor established players.

[–] johannesvanderwhales 21 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Reading this thread I realized that I had no idea what that word meant, figured it was a particular kind of scam.


I can't see what I'm typing in landscape orientation. I type in landscape 100% of the time.


Does not make me sad he's gone, tbh.


Been noticing a spammer who set up their own instance and can't see a fast way to just block the whole instance, either from the user menu, or from navigating to the instance. I may just be missing it.


I'm wondering if I'm just missing how to do this. I don't want to see posts from porn communities when I'm browsing sync in public. I'm OK with blurred NSFW posts from communities which are not marked NSFW. I would really prefer not to have to filter out every single one manually.

key chain? (self.buyitforlife)

Any recs on a BIFL key chain? Those rings always get bent over time, looking for something sturdy. Might just be a flaw in the design because if you can bend it enough to get a key on, you can probably bend it out of shape over time.

Calm (
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