Let them eat eggs.
Also because he is an immigrant. This is like Dr. Strangelove, except he’s not in a wheelchair. He’s jumping around on stage. MEIN FUHRER, I CAN WALK!
Sarcasm and parody were tools used against corrupt oppressors for centuries. The problem is, it requires education, context, and the capacity for abstract thought to process and understand. If everyone requires we put “/s” after everything, then they are just taking everything at face value without any attempt at critical thinking or reading between the lines. Which I guess is why we are where we are today.
She’s a core respondent. Get woke libtard.
I still have an optical drive in one of my desktops and a ton of blank CDs/DVDs collecting dust on my shelf. Maybe I should do this. But then I’m not sure what I would do with the final product. It would just continue to collect dust on my shelf. :(
Ram him.
In Russian army, rock shoots you.
It happens in private.
Directed by JJ Abrams.
Hyperscalers. Distillation.
You mean fonts?
Sir, this is a Wendy’s.