
joined 1 year ago
[–] hactar42 1 points 1 day ago

Blue Powerade slushy from Sonic on a hot summer day is the GOAT

[–] hactar42 9 points 4 days ago

There is a version of Macbeth from 1979 with Ian McKellen and Judy Dench. It's not really a movie but a recording from the Royal Shakespeare Company. It uses minimal sets and just the actors standing in a circle. My wife is a huge Shakespeare fan, but I had no real interest in watching it outside of making her happy. But it was amazing. The acting was absolutely incredible. I've never seen anything else like it.

submitted 6 days ago by hactar42 to c/texas
[–] hactar42 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I grew up on DC because I'm a huge Superman fan.

Every time I've tried to get into Marvel I'd find out that I had to read like 17 different crossovers just to be able to start in on a current issue. It became the same with their movies where everything is interwoven together. Which can be great if you watched it from the get go, but jumping in halfway through could be daunting.

While DC does do crossover events they are usually much shorter and self contained. Although when they started all these huge crossovers with the New 52 and the rebirth, is when I stopped buying the monthly editions. Now I just wait for the stories to be packaged into graphic novels or collections.

[–] hactar42 1 points 1 week ago

Feels like someone you'd get on an episode of Chopped

[–] hactar42 8 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I got my son a noise maker that has a built in battery for this same reason. It doesn't seamlessly switch to battery I'm sure there is one that does.

[–] hactar42 2 points 1 week ago

Well deserved! I've been listening to this man call games my entire life. It will be a sad day when he stops.

[–] hactar42 6 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Also, is worth knowing when not to optimise. Code you can read is code you can maintain, and some optimisations are not as readable.

This is one of my biggest pet peeves. So many people want to equate the number of lines as a sign of how well it's programmed. But all they really do is chain a bunch of stuff together that makes it harder to debug.

[–] hactar42 9 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Right-click, inspect, delete element

[–] hactar42 5 points 1 week ago

Not a chance. Basically your opinions would be to retrain your entire user base, or set a GPO or Intune policy to disable a service you don't want.

[–] hactar42 1 points 1 week ago

There can be only one...well that unless we can milk more money from the franchise

[–] hactar42 2 points 2 weeks ago

In the same vein I have odd shaped feet. They are very narrow at the heel but get really wide at the ball of my foot. My sister used to tell me I had tennis racket feet. Never found shoes that would fit. Regular would be too tight on my toes but wide would be too loose on my heels.

That was until I found Altra. They actually make shoes that fit my foot shape. Consequently, they stopped me from getting shin splints too.

[–] hactar42 6 points 2 weeks ago

I would think the environment factors into that a lot too. I've had 30 mile rides kick my ass more than 80 mile rides due to things like hills and wind. But put me on a stationary bike and I could probably go 150+ miles in a day.


We had some insane wind up here in Denton. Trees down, lots of power outages.


I'm so glad to see Howie focusing on the defense

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by hactar42 to c/punk

One of my guilty pleasures is shredding guitar solos. I'm looking for recommendations on punk guitarists or songs that absolutely shred.


submitted 3 months ago by hactar42 to c/dfw

Thought I'd include a pretty good retrospective video about the making of this music video. https://youtu.be/5b9PPZTsNes

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by hactar42 to c/dogs

I'm looking for some games for my son that lets him explore and play around at his own pace. Things similar to First Contact, which he loved. He has motor control problems, so games that requires precise movements are difficult for him. For example, he cannot make it though the first song on Beat Saber when it is set to easy and the directions are turned off.

If you know of any that just allow a player to just explore or manipulate the things around them, while also hopefully being entertaining for a 12 year old, please let me know. Thanks!


Don't worry, they get plenty of treats


I’m looking for some advice on setting up a retro gaming system for my son. He absolutely loves the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive and some Atari classics like Frogger. The problem I have is he is autistic, which leads to two very different issues to solve. First is he loves to tinker with things. Which I don’t mind, and actively encourage in kids because that's how you learn. However, when he breaks something, it can cause full blown meltdowns. Like you would think the end of the world is coming level meltdowns. Therefore, things like the Nintendo Switch are great because there is not much he can do in the settings. Especially, with the built-in parent controls. However, when I’ve tried setting him up with a laptop with Retro Arch, he will jack with the settings and break it in a matter of minutes.

I’d like to figure out something I can plug into a TV that will allow him to play retro games, preferably with a wireless controller (because I’ll be damned if I can get him to sit still why playing Sonic). The best solution I’ve used in the past was a Nvidia Shield TV running Arch Browser. He still managed to factory reset once, but outside of that it worked well. However, the fact that it is a full streaming/media system is overkill for what I’m looking for. Plus, I really don’t like the direction it has been heading with the built-in ads and other Google crap.

I looked into the Sega Genesis mini, but they are selling for more than a Shield TV and have wired controllers. I have an Atari flashback, but it is crap with it's IR controllers. Whoever though of that obviously has never tried to get a child to maintain line of sight while playing a game.

So, I’m wondering if anyone has any suggestion for hardware/software that will allow for the playing of retro games on a TV, but also have a way of either preventing tampering with settings, making it more difficult to get to the settings, or even something that can be reset and configured with a few clicks. I’d love to be able to tell him, look if you mess it up just reboot and it will reset.


Performed at the Hall of Fame induction for George Harrison in 2004.

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