I appreciate the effort, thanks for narrowing it down a bit!
I’m really curious to read more about this - can you help guide me to an article about it?
This is what I’m undecided about. For quite a few items my shopping list, Amazon is cheaper or significantly quicker to use. The free delivery, and often, overnight or same day delivery is incredibly helpful.
The video platform was never part of the value of the subscription for me tbh.
With that officiating crew, anytime the chiefs do something big, the officials seem to find a way to cancel it out. It’s more frustrating because we seem to get that crew for critical games every season!
I played the hell out of that game for a long time. It’s definitely one of a kind in the best way possible.
The last minute “new game” was a nice shift in momentum after an otherwise horrendous first half.
Same here. Started on Reddit around 2010. Haven’t been back since Apollo shutdown.
I just feel bad for the ball boy honestly. Cut out his mistake and some questionable imo calls that took away opportunities and I think we did pretty well overall.
Losing by a point after his mistake leading to the double has to be soul crushing for him.
This was when the game turned in my opinion. Niners knew they still had a chance, and they fought tooth and nail for it.
Not forcing the niners to score across three possessions instead of two is just mind boggling to me.