Regardless of the type of pan you are using, you will find eggs ate much less likely to stick if you wait for the pan to be hot before you out the eggs in. I don't know why this is, but if you put cold eggs in a cold pan, they will stick when you cook them.
Most of the high visibility "tech bros" aren't technical. They are finance bros who invest in tech.
He can't. He's an immigrant, and technically not even a legal one.
If you are cutting or polishing stone, wear a mask. This is not a new idea.
Yes, in some jurisdictions this is common.
A nazi. I guess that would make him an American?
Can you then sue the hospital for giving you these drugs when they don't work?
I think shaking people, companies, and countries down for cash is the whole point of this administration. 1M should be pocket change for Meta.
There could also be some extortion involved here. "Hi, I'm from the Trump administration. We are raising money for his inauguration party. If you don't want to be embroiled in 4 years of legal battles, or have Musk buy you, you should contribute." ... " Uh, sure. Here's a million bucks. "
I've seen several very sympathetic posts on LinkedIn, including one that called him out as a hero and role model for coming from a small town and rising to the top of US society.
I believe Biden also had a stutter when younger.
He forgot to wish Merry Christmas to the millions of illegal criminal immigrants who are eating our pets, stealing our women, and doing our jobs while getting free Healthcare from our government.