
joined 4 months ago
[–] graeghos_714 13 points 9 hours ago

I've seen 3 major highways built around Detroit while I've lived here. There was very little choice among normal citizens who live in the line of "progress". 375 ruined some dynamic neighborhoods because those people lacked the power to force a change in the proposals. 696 spent significant additional money accommodating the citizens who had the power to modify the proposals. Highways make cities very unwalkable as well as taking space that could be better used

[–] graeghos_714 2 points 1 week ago

I wrote documentation at Ford for a while and when we switched from WordPerfect to Word I got a waver for 2 years to continue using WordPerfect because it was so much more efficient because of the ability to see all formatting. When they forced me to Word I quit writing documents for the most part

[–] graeghos_714 1 points 1 month ago

The answer is in there, maybe if you squint a bit you can see it. I was also fairly sure I was getting laid off a few times and continued to do my stuff and kept staying around.

[–] graeghos_714 9 points 1 month ago (2 children)

I've been 90% sure I was getting laid off a few times. I contracted to one of the big 3 auto companies in engineering/IT and head count reductions were pretty common. Three times it was our department getting cut. I was not overly expensive, did a lot of stuff to fill in gaps, and found ways to improve our teams so I always thought even if something happened to this team I could always land on another team. Once when we were at a site loading engineering sw on the servers my boss asked if I would mind training the sw to the plant the next day. I ended up switching from installs to training and did that for almost 20 years. I was originally hired as a systems analyst. I ended my career working in a manufacturing plant supporting the sw I trained and installed. One of the advantages of working for a large company is they have so many roles to fill and once you learn all the processes/systems you have value at a base level that can be used in many positions

[–] graeghos_714 5 points 1 month ago

For the last few years I've been going to festivals that avoid fricken Ticketbastard. They're still expensive but at least the money is going to the people putting it on instead of some corporate heads and hedge funders

[–] graeghos_714 1 points 1 month ago

Absolutely, and 25lbs is half of the 50lbs I lost in 3 years. I've never dieted, I just changed the way I eat to get to my healthy weight

[–] graeghos_714 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Yeah, I'm still sitting on my Roku for the time being. I keep all my other TV connections dumb so my TV and Blu Ray don't have my WiFi info. I did finally get a HDMI for my laptop to connect to the TV to watch racing on YT without ads which is an adequate backup option now. I have studio monitors on my PC that are better than the soundbar/Sub on the TV, but when friends are over the TV works better for watching stuff

[–] graeghos_714 1 points 1 month ago

Odd. I'm able to listen to music there still

[–] graeghos_714 4 points 1 month ago (2 children)

For me to drop from my high of 205 back to a working weight under 180 it took lots of travel for work where I was away from my munchies for 3 to 4 weeks. The first time I got down to 185 in Brazil and then a trip to India got me down to about 170. I quit drinking soda pop, and started eating more fiber and no sugar for breakfast other than the raisins and dates in my muesli and quit eating bagels for breakfast as much. A T-bone accident on my motorcycle 18 months ago left me with a bad leg/foot so I'm a lot less active and loss a lot of muscle weight. I'm down to 155 now. I was 145 when I got out of the Marines 40 years ago

[–] graeghos_714 2 points 1 month ago

Not all of my Ad On's are for YT, but yes I run a JS blocker and also block video's and sound on all sites except YT

[–] graeghos_714 5 points 1 month ago (2 children)

I actually liked and used the old pull up menus in Windows. Starting at Win10 I put everything I use on my desktop and avoid as much of Windows functionality as I can and turn off everything I can. I don't want an Android or IOS type interface on my PC and will go to Linux at some point as Windows pushes that envelope further, or switch to some WinServer type setup where they allow the owner a lot more control of the OS

[–] graeghos_714 4 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Israeli and extremist Jewish lobbyists have monstrous power in congress.

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