
joined 11 months ago
[–] graeghos_714 -2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I was so pissed at Israel and Israeli's for the genocide we're watching. Then as an American I looked in the mirror and saw my tax dollars providing the bombs for the genocide and realized I'm as responsible as the citizens of Israel. Now I'm just disgusted by our nation, the state of the world and my complicity in that state

[–] graeghos_714 11 points 2 months ago (5 children)

I believe Putin's power over Trump will prevent anyone doing anything extreme about Iran. Russia has always had an interest in controlling Iran and certainly would not approve the US taking it out.

[–] graeghos_714 5 points 2 months ago

For the last couple of years I've quit going to all the little rural communities in SE Michigan I spend money at who are voting for Trump at proportionally high rates. If they don't want us, they don't want our money either.

[–] graeghos_714 3 points 2 months ago (1 children)

That was back in the late 70's. I wasn't a big fan of my bed being a couch too, but at least I had a bit more room than the other 2 beds squeezed behind portable closets. I live in Michigan now and we've had a beautiful fall so far. We're supposed to get rain for Halloween but it may be done by the time the kids get out. It supposed to be 78 degrees today which is really nice for late October

[–] graeghos_714 4 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Battery technology is on a huge J curve and I don't see how early tech investment from the established automotive companies will ever get their return back. It's like if the first OS was 2 bit and businesses spent millions trying to use this new technology but before it really rolls out, there are 4 bit OS's, and the cycle repeats. As a computer manufacturer it would be hard to keep your production and design aligned with technical advancements. I think the established car companies are really struggling with this. It's really surprising to me there is not more being done in the west like there is in China with the government investing heavily in battery technology and development. It's like we're so connected to the oil, gas, and coal industries that we fight against the adoption of clean technologies to protect them as much as we put effort into creating those new technologies to try to save the planet.

[–] graeghos_714 5 points 2 months ago (3 children)

It looks like my room in college when I was in Florida. My bed was the couch in the main room.

[–] graeghos_714 4 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (1 children)

Perez appeared to think the baby team car should move over and let him pass, Lawson wants his seat and wouldn't give an inch. I loved Perez, but it seems the Red Bull car is just not a car that suits him, or he can't handle having a teammate who is so far beyond him. I don't see him in F1 next year unfortunately but I don't think he deserves the main team seat anymore and there's no where else to go really.

[–] graeghos_714 3 points 2 months ago (1 children)

The Guardian is my preferred paper but this article is garbage. Comparing car deaths to early deaths from gas stoves is ridiculous.
"“The main uncertainty is whether the risk of dying found with outdoor NO2 from mainly traffic can be applied to indoor NO2 from gas cooking,” said Steffen Loft, an air pollution expert at the University of Copenhagen, who was not involved in the research. “But it is a fair assumption and required for the assessment.”"
Industrial and petrochemical pollution is by far the largest cause of health problems when it comes to the general population. The insurance companies are very cagey about releasing rates of deaths from cancer in specific areas and the government certainly doesn't share that.

[–] graeghos_714 4 points 2 months ago

Where will Trump voters hear about the negatives? The 4th estate is not something they have any regard for or they wouldn't be on the fence. Newsmax, OAN, Fox, etc will all ignore the racism

[–] graeghos_714 50 points 2 months ago

One side expects their candidates to hold some standards, the other side doesn't care. It's like watching a sporting event with a homer who only sees the world based on how it effects their team winning or losing. Fairness doesn't come into play, the other side is always cheating and getting favored media exposure.

[–] graeghos_714 2 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

My little brother's wife had little interest in raising kids so it all fell on him. Without him, there may have never been love felt by his child. Her only interest was her career and living the high life. Having kids requires so much sacrifice which can make it very challenging when only one parent accepts the sacrifices. But he's reaped the rewards. His wife doesn't have much of a relationship with their child now that they're an adult. And she's kind of okay with that. Right now. The future has a way of biting us for the sacrifices we chose to pass on to others. I imagine as she ages, she'll have regrets that can't be walked back any more.
If you put in all the effort, the kids will remember. The future you're sacrificing for may bring greater value than what you sacrificed. She may even see and hear about all you do together as a family, minus her, and want to become more part of what she'll be missing.
None of that makes it easier now, and not having any free time to decompress really sucks. With all the micro time management you're going to be doing, hopefully you can find time for yourself to fill your wants and needs.
If your spouse doesn't appreciate you or consider your needs, that's another issue to find a solution for that kids certainly complicate. Relationship issues are tough to work through and if either or both people don't look at themselves in a mirror it can be insurmountable for the time. Then your choice becomes going into a holding pattern or finding someone else who can fill your needs you spouse won't fill, or last; walking away which won't make anything easier even if it can solve a problem

[–] graeghos_714 3 points 2 months ago

It looks like a picture from the Prince Valiant comic

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