
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago (1 children)

I've been using Groundies for some years yet They look like nicer than many others, IMO, with good fabrics and durability. Not affiliated here in any sense, just my exprience.



[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 months ago

yes, Debian has a similar package, but my Debian pc is still on kde5. We have to wait untill devs implement this feature. Thank you!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 months ago

thank you. Let's wait then.


I've notice that I've lost Nextcloud integration in Dolphin since kde6 update, both Contextual menu element and nice sync badges in folders/files.

Syncronization works fine, but I miss that badges XD

Do you know if any needed package was not already ported to kd6?

I have dolphin-plugins installed, but there's nothing in Settings -> Config Dolphin -> Contextual Menu


ArchLinux and KDE6 here



a porcentaxe de imaxes publicadas no que teñen un texto que as describe é mínima. Non todas as persoas actúan do mesmo xeito, pero tendo habilidade e tempo para escribir media dúcia de cancelos que acompañan á publicación, tampouco é un traballo enorme engadir unha breve descrición á imaxe e axudar así a persoas con dificultades visuais, a aportar contexto ao que se ve, a que os lectores de pantalla poidan facer a súa labor e a ter empatía con quen nos le.

Incluso hai servizos (iniciativas) como #AltText4Me para intentar axudar a quen o precise.

Todos os clientes coñecidos teñen no seu editor un apartado para engadir esta descrición.

A veces vexo un certo patrón, como se fose cool ou algo así tirar aí unha imaxe e que se apañen, unha artistada snob.

Xa pode ser ben fermosa que non lle poño nin estreliña ⭐

De etiquetar as nosas publicacións idioma #galego xa falamos outro día.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago

Hi! I've found you! 😄

I've found found Tempo in weblate but it seems Tempo's translation is not active.

Maybe that repo in weblate is not ready yet but I will try to contribute translating it to my language.

Thank you!


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One of these 6 beauties will become the wallpaper for Plasma 6. Which one do you prefer?

#Plasma6 #wallpaper #desktop

@[email protected]


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Abrín unha Comunidade en Lemmy para compartir cursos e conferencias completas. Pódela seguir desde Mastodon en


Just started a new Lemmy community for sharing freely available full-length college courses and lectures. You can follow from Mastodon at @opencourselectures

#lemmy #fediverse #academia #selfstudy #learning

[–] [email protected] 3 points 11 months ago

weather sucks 😆 In a couple of hours I 'm going to a local small race (44th edition tho!!) and it's raining a lot.

This week the most noticiable feat is that I managed to be consistent with my plank challenge, so I comfortably established over 2'. A couple of long (2h.) walks and two easy run sessions. Now race day!

Even on weeks like this I'm greatful I can run, enjoy running with others.

long dark weeks to come 😝

[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 months ago

😅 yes, too easy to identify them. I would need to search the year though.

thank you

[–] [email protected] 5 points 11 months ago

it's recovery week for me. Yesterday run a Trail race (26km >1500m-vertical) so the following days some mobility and keep walking. From thursday I will try to resume running.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 months ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

XD ... usually underrated, but...

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

yeah, he deserved checkered flag too for fighting all race

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

no, I don't

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago

XD you better serve yourself by 🍿📺 😅

My guess is not long/hard enough to impact aerobic or anaerobic systems (relative to your current fitness level)

Never useless though 😉

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/running


Saturday means Parkrun day in many places

(sanitized video from @[email protected] 's post )

I have no parkruns here :( but they are very much what I did like from races: being social, having fun, enjoy being healthy and sharing good moments with people.

Do you go to ParkRun events?

what's your opinion about this? thank you

(btw this is the official website:

#parkrun #running #healthyrun #community


Just in case this is as far as you read, the answer is no, probably not.

well written in simple terms, addressing many topics related to running


Le Tour website with roadbook, videos, stages, stats, etc.


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Hello world!


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Looks nice so far. I got it from IzzyOnDroid's repo by searching "lemmy" in Droid-ify

Edit: oh yeah, i am really liking what i see. Refreshing gives haptic feedback and so do the toggle switches in settings.


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Some people have been asking which communities they should join first, so I posted some remote communities you can subscribe to on the sidebar on the homepage :)

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