You went from a soundbar to a 3.1 by adding a centre speaker? Did you saw your soundbar in half?
A similar thing happened in the UK , the tax man got narky with a food manufacturer over a cake/biscuit (cookie for our American friends) distinction. Cakes and biscuits are taxed differently.
This little blog-post thing explains it better than I could.
Wait til you're up to your elbow!
I wonder if shaft shifting would fuck with your sense of self too much. Who actually are you if you can be anyone?
just call me ...
I think that's a millipede. Centipedes = 1 pair of legs per body segment, millipedes = multiple pairs per body segment.
In the picture it looks like more than one pair of legs per body segment.
I think that's how it is, anyway.
Isn't that where Nate Dogg hooked a left and saw some brothers shootin' dice?
Well, not so much now.
I feel that might become a... problem.
At the end does the Chairman say that they "work hard on every day that starts with a D"?