
joined 4 months ago
[–] genXgentleman -4 points 3 months ago

LOL. Yes. I totally agree. That's why I said that even I don't know what to call myself. People question me on my views and I've been called everything from a tree hugging hippie to one step away from being an authoritarian. Who freaking knows. I'm for everyone minding their own business and your rights end when they start to step on mine. Marry whomever you want - that is of age, dress how you like, read whatever you like, do whatever you want to your own body, and don't try to dictate your beliefs to me. The slow burn of our country started a few administrations ago. People are just now starting seeing the smoke today.

[–] genXgentleman 1 points 3 months ago

We have definitely started the slow burn of our country. We may be seeing the reason why the 'founding fathers' did not want and think that the 'common man' should be allowed to vote. Back then, the common man did not own property and was not educated. Maybe they thought that the common man lacked the knowledge and insight to understand the nuances of governing. I strongly believe that this past voting cycle showed a strong lack of understanding, emotional myopathy, and the pure racism & sexism that exists in our country.

[–] genXgentleman 2 points 3 months ago

That might be very true with incoming administration. 😁

[–] genXgentleman 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

It's not sarcasm if they insult you by calling you a moron.

[–] genXgentleman 0 points 3 months ago (3 children)

It's called sarcasm. Note the emojis. Look it up, moron.

[–] genXgentleman 14 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (7 children)

I had to stop reading the replies she received; the stupidity made my head hurt. My hatred for humanity is growing by leaps and bounds daily. I think I'll be a full blown misanthrope within 2 or 3 days. It has become crystal clear that we need to pull the weeds out of the gene pool. I'm for instituting a national license program to breed. You may obtain a license if you can pass a test which consist of a common sense section and the civics section of the U.S. naturalization test. 🤨😁

Edit: For the morons that can't tell. This was fucking sarcasm.

[–] genXgentleman 3 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (2 children)

Yes, I remember the reports on that podcast. (There was no way that I could listen to it.) Apparently, common sense has left the building. When I took ancient history, another student asked how or why did the Roman Empire fall. (Honestly, the answer has multiple factors.) However, we have witnessed the reason why the U.S. will fail. The republicans' planned results of demolishing the education system has seen fruition and the plot of "Idiocracy" has come to pass.

"The government that you elect is the government you deserve."

Thomas Jefferson

If everyone knew U.S. Government & Economics, they would also know that there isn't too much they president can do to improve the economy. He can make it worse quickly with bad policies, but not much on improving it. He cannot control the Fed or prices. The last president who tried to control prices was Nixon with a prices freeze, and that started the dominoes which made everything worse all the way through to the end of Carter's term. The presidential policies that can effect the economy for good, most of the time, take a year or more to see results. Basically, that's why the republicans get credit for improving the economy, from the democratic president before him. This is the first time that there's been a 'soft landing' from inflation, if memory serves.

[–] genXgentleman 11 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (4 children)

This election proved that there are a lot of dumb-asses that need to go back to school to take U.S. Government, Civics, and Economics because they didn't learn it the first time, or they never had to take them to graduate high school. Seriously, why in the f#ck would you entrust the economy to a dumbf#ck who bankrupted TWO casinos!! The freaking business model, of a casino, is people walk in, then over the course of two to four hours hand you all their money and then leave. You REALLY have to be a dumbf#ck to fail at that.

[–] genXgentleman 39 points 3 months ago (2 children)

My co-worker and I were talking about that last night. I told her that it's amazing that not one fucking republican as uttered those two words, "voters fraud", since Tuesday night. Isn't it amazing how that is no longer a problem???? The fucking hypocrites!!!!

[–] genXgentleman 1 points 3 months ago

Yep. I would say, let them wallow and burn in what they voted for. The problem is that the rest of us will be suffering along with them. Most of the world's incumbents have been voted out of office and the countries' voters have shifted right. I think the flood of immigrants to the U.S., England, Italy, and Germany is one of the main reasons that has caused the shift in voters, along with the economies. Although U.S. has the best economy in the world currently & voters have no memories. Trump was the one that killed the immigration bill so he could campaign on the issue. Fuck, he even to every one to blame him. AND, the Biden administration has pulled off a soft landing on inflation. Which is something 99.9% of economist said couldn't be done. I've been hearing people voted for Trump because the price of eggs was too high. SERIOUSLY! WTF! No one remembers that the avian flu wiped out most of the farms??? One bird gets sick, they had to destroy the whole stock in that particular coop. They bitch about egg prices while the drive around in their V-8 trucks or suburbans. Also, under Biden, American has been out producing oil/gas than any other country. So, yea, the dumb fucks got EXACTLY what they wanted. Wait until those tariffs kick in and see if they bitch.

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