Post Sept 11, (lots of) flights were grounded for several days.
If you want to nudge the ketohead narcissist, you have to pander to the ego.
Thanks. My preference is intersectional second ed. I don't mind conflict as long as it's not derived from lazy racist tropes.
You can't claim you climbed a mountain, if each time you fell you just resumed from where you lost grip.
Sure you can; it's called redpointing.
How do you know it's a bad idea without knowing what the goal is?
Seems like lots of vpn providers offer port forwarding after a fashion. It surprised me too but there were summary comparisons just a search away.
Assuming your vpn provides a stable remote IP, your client connection needs to use that. Try "whatsmyip" or similar over the vpn. The remote address almost certainly won't appear in the local output of ip a
Locally, listen on the "this host",
You may need to check your firewall locally.
You don't need to run your http service to troubleshoot - simple tools like netcat can listen for incoming requests - nc -l 8000
or what-have-you.
Finally: you might want to look at using a shell host as the client rather than targeting your vpn ip from your local host, just to take hairpin connections out of consideration when troubleshooting.
Morrissey might be a twat but he spent years writing stuff like this to the NME and then actually put his money where his mouth was.
Generic-ish. It'll fit any of the input problems I think. You could fool it by using a non-canonical circuit, because it knows nothing about the equivalence of boolean expressions; and it also relies on one swap sufficing to fix an output, so I didn't go particularly far into turning it into a generic search. Either of those problem extensions would take much more effort from a solver, so my expectation is that they were deliberately avoided.
Haskell part 2, much better solution
Okay, here's the outline again - this one ran instantly.
Rather than probing with example values, I took a different approach, debugging the structure. I only really care about inputs and outputs, so I wrote something that turns the "wiring diagram" into a map of label -> Expr, where
data Expr = EInput String
| EAnd Expr Expr
| EOr Expr Expr
| EXor Expr Expr
deriving (Show, Ord)
(the Eq
instance is stable in symmatric expressions, eg (==) (EAnd a b) (Eand c d) = a == c && b == d || a == d && b == c
The expressions are grounded in "inputs" ("x00".."x44", "y00".."y44") - that is, they just expand out all of the intermediary labelled things.
Then I constructed a circuit that I was after by building a non-swapped 44/45-bit full adder, and produced the same set of expressions for those.
Then: for each output, z00..z45, check the "spec" expression against the actual one. If they're identical, move on.
Otherwise, find some candidate pairs to swap. For these, I considered all possible labelled outputs except "stable" ones - that is, those that were input depdendencies of z_(i-1) - ie, don't swap any outputs involved in the computation that's validated thus far.
searchForSwap :: Exprs -> Layout -> String -> Set.Set String -> [(String, String, Layout, Exprs)]
searchForSwap eSpec actual zz stable =
vals = Map.keysSet actual & (`Set.difference` stable) & Set.toList
ds = dependencies actual
in do
k1 <- vals
k2 <- vals
guard $ k1 < k2
guard $ k1 `Set.notMember` (ds Map.! k2) -- don't create any loops
guard $ k2 `Set.notMember` (ds Map.! k1)
let actual' = swapPair k1 k2 actual
eAct' = exprsForLayout actual'
guard $ eSpec Map.! zz == eAct' Map.! zz
pure (k1, k2, actual', eAct')
Taking the new layout with swapped outputs and its corresponding set of expressions, carry on searching as before.
A linear scan over the output bits was all that was required - a unique answer poped out without any backtracking.
Anyway, happy Christmas all.
PS. My other version worked (eventually) - it was following this approach that led me to realise that my "spec" full adder was broken too :-D Never skip the unit tests.
(@[email protected] you were asking about alternatives to graphviz-style approaches I recall)
Haskell, programmatic solution
I spent an entire day on this because I didn't write a unit test to check my "swap outputs" function, which effectively did nothing.
In any case: the approach (which may be more interesting than the code, I know people were interested) involved probing the addition circuit with some example additions - that is, I wrote something that'd let me give alternative inputs from x & y and compute the result using the circuit. I then gave it some simple pairs of values that'd exercise the add and carry bits (ie, pairs chosen from {i << n, n <- {1..43}, i <- {1, 3}}
). That gave me some breaking trials.
Because the errors were relatively sparse, I then scanned over pairs of outputs, swapping those that didn't introduce a data dependency and checking (a) that no new errors were introduced over the trial sets, (b) for any reduction in the number of errors found. I got a bunch fo outputs like this:
swap of ("ccp","mnh") improves matters
bad trial count reduced from 346 to 344
which found the pairs for me. The search could be improved by more carefully tying the probe inputs to the outputs' dependencies (ie, if the first error comes from the (xi, yi) input bits, then look for swaps of the dependencies introduced by zi) - but in any case, it finds the answer. Phew.
Grimes is on 4chan?!