Haskell part 2, much better solution
Okay, here's the outline again - this one ran instantly.
Rather than probing with example values, I took a different approach, debugging the structure. I only really care about inputs and outputs, so I wrote something that turns the "wiring diagram" into a map of label -> Expr, where
data Expr = EInput String
| EAnd Expr Expr
| EOr Expr Expr
| EXor Expr Expr
deriving (Show, Ord)
(the Eq
instance is stable in symmatric expressions, eg (==) (EAnd a b) (Eand c d) = a == c && b == d || a == d && b == c
The expressions are grounded in "inputs" ("x00".."x44", "y00".."y44") - that is, they just expand out all of the intermediary labelled things.
Then I constructed a circuit that I was after by building a non-swapped 44/45-bit full adder, and produced the same set of expressions for those.
Then: for each output, z00..z45, check the "spec" expression against the actual one. If they're identical, move on.
Otherwise, find some candidate pairs to swap. For these, I considered all possible labelled outputs except "stable" ones - that is, those that were input depdendencies of z_(i-1) - ie, don't swap any outputs involved in the computation that's validated thus far.
searchForSwap :: Exprs -> Layout -> String -> Set.Set String -> [(String, String, Layout, Exprs)]
searchForSwap eSpec actual zz stable =
vals = Map.keysSet actual & (`Set.difference` stable) & Set.toList
ds = dependencies actual
in do
k1 <- vals
k2 <- vals
guard $ k1 < k2
guard $ k1 `Set.notMember` (ds Map.! k2) -- don't create any loops
guard $ k2 `Set.notMember` (ds Map.! k1)
let actual' = swapPair k1 k2 actual
eAct' = exprsForLayout actual'
guard $ eSpec Map.! zz == eAct' Map.! zz
pure (k1, k2, actual', eAct')
Taking the new layout with swapped outputs and its corresponding set of expressions, carry on searching as before.
A linear scan over the output bits was all that was required - a unique answer poped out without any backtracking.
Anyway, happy Christmas all.
PS. My other version worked (eventually) - it was following this approach that led me to realise that my "spec" full adder was broken too :-D Never skip the unit tests.
(@[email protected] you were asking about alternatives to graphviz-style approaches I recall)
Generic-ish. It'll fit any of the input problems I think. You could fool it by using a non-canonical circuit, because it knows nothing about the equivalence of boolean expressions; and it also relies on one swap sufficing to fix an output, so I didn't go particularly far into turning it into a generic search. Either of those problem extensions would take much more effort from a solver, so my expectation is that they were deliberately avoided.