Haskell bits and pieces
The nice thing about Haskell's laziness (assuming you use Data.Map rather than Data.Map.Strict) is that the laziness can do a ton of the work for you - you might've spotted a few Haskell solutions in earlier days' threads that use this kind of trick (eg for tabling/memoisation). Here's my evaluation function:
eval l =
v = l & Map.map (\case
Const x -> x
And a b -> v Map.! a && v Map.! b
Or a b -> v Map.! a || v Map.! b
Xor a b -> v Map.! a /= v Map.! b)
in v
For part 2, we know what the graph should look like (it's just a binary adder); I think this is a maximal common subgraph problem, but I'm still reading around that at the mo. I'd love to know if there's a trick to this.