
joined 11 months ago
[–] gdog05 0 points 19 hours ago (1 children)

Thank you for that condescending lesson. I guess people who disagree with you couldn't possibly be well-read on the topic.

It could possibly be the case that both Biden and Trump are more beholden to the wealthy ruling class. But here's the thing. I'm far, far from siding with the wealthy ruling class. But, end of the day, they want to rule. Russia wants to completely dismantle their opponents, their opponents' elections, and their opponents' ability to survive. Those opponents are us. The wealthy have to get and maintain power possibly against uprising. The Russians merely have to find the right button for us to lose everything. And Jill Stein is a pawn for their plans in whatever way they need her.

[–] gdog05 1 points 20 hours ago (3 children)

Jill Stein can fuck right off. Russian assets don't deserve American political screen time.

[–] gdog05 4 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I wonder if they will support Chromecast

Probably not because of Stadi...oh wait...

[–] gdog05 9 points 1 day ago

At home, I use PiHole and AdGuard to block ads. I also use Firefox on my desktop with ublock origin plugin. Sites do break sometimes. But here's my thinking. If a site is using or forcing an ad in such a way that the site is broken for me, I go to another site. That one didn't deserve my time or business. My bank website works just fine. So does the power company, gas, etc. The important stuff is fine. The rest has competition.

I will note that my auto insurance website broke between an email link, the trackers in said link and the website. I messaged their IT dept in a complaint form and they said they would change how the email system tracker works to prevent that in the future.

[–] gdog05 16 points 2 days ago

Inside every Texan is 30-50 feral hogs...

[–] gdog05 10 points 5 days ago (1 children)

hired a new guy and gave it to him

That is your answer to this entire scenario. That's what they think of you and I'd take it as an invitation to find a new job. Hopefully you'll find a better fit. Currently, it sounds like things are good enough that they'd be a decent reference for your next job.

[–] gdog05 6 points 5 days ago

Can't write good jokes and is racist. AI is Republican for sure.

[–] gdog05 5 points 6 days ago

You can run your Jellyfin connection inside of Kodi which has a ton of configuration options like the volume control.

[–] gdog05 14 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I guess we're just creating more Boomers now. Boomers 2: Illiterate Boogaloo

[–] gdog05 23 points 1 week ago (2 children)

The classic sloppy reporting tactic of "dozens". Somewhere between 1.5 and 33.3 dozen I guess?

[–] gdog05 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I've been pretty excited about what I've been seeing from Affinity. You're right, they're not there yet. But they're closer than anyone. They need more money and time and they will hopefully get there.


I'm sure everyone knows this track but sometimes we overlook the most prominent tracks. It's good to revisit.

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