I recently restarted to a different class and am glad I did. However, if you’re having fun with your current early game build no reason to change it.
Kinda like this. And I live alone. I just think it would be neat to change up my playing position now and then, play some simpler games perhaps on the smaller screen, plus it’s not always convenient or healthy to be glued onto the same position on the couch in front of the TV. Would I buy it though? Probably not, don’t think I need to add yet another screen to my digital lifestyle for such a.limited use case. But I could see myself using it if I had one. So price will be key. It might be an impulse buy for me.
This was a great summary, hope more people read this.
Well both crypto enthusiasts and art collectors are very used to the notion that an asset is as valuable as what people are willing to pay for it, regardless of intrinsic value, so I don’t find it too surprising.
That machine is a commercial product. Quite unlike a human being, in essence, purpose and function. So I do not think the comparison is valid here unless it were perhaps a sentient artificial being, free to act of its own accord. But that is not what we’re talking about here. We must not be carried away by our imaginations, these language models are (often proprietary and for profit) products.
Some schadenfreude is definitely warranted, but the lawsuit may have merit.
As someone who enjoys RPGs, knowing I will have BG3 on my ps5 (let alone a significant backlog) makes me care less for missing out on starfield. Totally different games, but with huge RPGs and little play time, any such game can literally take up months of my gaming life. I suspect I will eventually want to play starfield, but I won’t be in a hurrry.
One is a savings bank, the other an investment bank. The problem is these aren’t separate anymore.