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[–] gcheliotis 2 points 1 week ago

Huh had no idea. I still wonder how accurate this is though, like whether it can be used forensically as the word “fingerprint” suggests to identify a specific person/private machine. It’s kind of fascinating as a topic. I would think that given that most people use similar setups, similar hardware and software, similar routers and settings, it would be impossible, but perhaps with enough details of a particular setup, a specific machine and user can be identified with decent accuracy.

[–] gcheliotis 2 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Usually fingerprint plays a supporting role for example when you do those "click here" captchas that's actually just giving the browser time to fingerprint you and evaluate your trust to decide whether to give you a full captcha or let you through. So fingerprint is always there in tbe background these days tho mostly for security and ad tracking.

I’ve been wondering about those “click here” captchas and their purpose 🤔

[–] gcheliotis 1 points 1 week ago

Yeah well I wasn’t there, so just going by your post and pitched in to say that it’s a valid question in general: how is this book relevant for me? If asked in good faith, the author I suppose can see it as an opportunity to explain for example why that woman’s story can be interesting to a male audience. Maybe even school the interviewer if so inclined.

I just feel like we should sometimes check our feminist impulses and recognize that some questions are valid, even when we may suspect that they come from a bad place.

[–] gcheliotis 2 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (2 children)

I’m not sure the interpretation has to be that “female themes” are “lesser”. People will generally and naturally relate more to themes that strongly correlate with personal, lived experience. It is not strange that a man would relate less to motherhood as a theme. Similarly, a woman might naturally relate less to fiction on father-son relationships. A city dweller might relate less to stories about life in the countryside. And so on. It is useful and instructive to get out of one’s own skin and mind now and then. It helps build empathy and works of fiction can be very helpful in that regard. But that does not change the fact that themes hit much harder when you can relate from personal experience.

As a man, strongly female themes and lead female characters are a-ok and can be touching even, but some male themes hit me much harder because I know what that feels like in my own skin so to say.

[–] gcheliotis 3 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

So… how effective is it? The fingerprinting. I’m guessing there are studies? Also don’t know whether there’s been legal precedent, ie whether fingerprinting has been recognized as valid means of user identification in a court case.

[–] gcheliotis 6 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Nice storytelling, but clunky combat that I got burned out on fast :(

[–] gcheliotis 8 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Regardless of one’s politics, over-reliance on presidential decrees can be problematic in more ways than one.

[–] gcheliotis 3 points 1 month ago

Yeah nowadays that is a common interpretation, and you can try to find support for it in the mysticism with which all of the protosciences were imbued. But I really do think they were aiming for gold. Or were claiming as much, to get sponsorships and such. Kinda like how researchers nowadays will exaggerate their abilities and research goals to get grants.

[–] gcheliotis 9 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Jesus Christ so many of you on here are in love with your echo chambers aren’t you? Every other day there is something about instance wars and oh let’s see, whom do we want to exclude today. You don’t have to like what others have to say, but you have to be able to listen to them.

[–] gcheliotis 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)
[–] gcheliotis 1 points 1 month ago (4 children)

Wait did world defederare from ml after all? I thought it hadn’t. Because people keep complaining about ml and I still see memes.ml and comments from ml users. Or is it one of these things where federation works in ways that are more complex than most of us assume? Is it that the other instances defederated from world? But I’ve seen ml users comment on my comments. Argh federarion is confusing…

[–] gcheliotis 15 points 1 month ago

He clearly thinks he’s going to extend it. But he may indeed cause irreparable damage.


I did it. I finally did it! It’s been over a year since I started this game. Over a year! As a grown ass man I don’t have the time or the motivation to play video games that often. But this one I just couldn’t put down for long. Not for the story, I thought the story was super contrived and couldn’t care less for its grand narrative. But the dialogue, the moment to moment voice acting, the companions, the freedom of choice, the mature themes, the gameplay… Nearly 300 hours of playtime later, I have finally finished my completionist dark urge playthrough. I have never spent so long on any video game ever! And after the credits rolled I still went online looking for more bg3-related content. I was missing shadowheart and the bittersweet mindflayer ending left me wanting more shadowbae, more sequels, more… everything really. Not a perfect game, I felt that in some ways they bit off more than they could chew and at times it showed. But omg, it did hold my interest longer than anything ever! I guess I wanted to tell someone. And nobody I know personally would care enough. So thank you for reading this :)

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