
joined 2 years ago
[–] gashead76 3 points 4 days ago

It actually sounded like he was about to say he had actually been there, then realized he was about to lie about that to a guy who would immediately recognize and likely call him out for lying, so he then course corrected with a seriously lame response.

[–] gashead76 3 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

I mean, the "president" is the guy from The Apprentice. 🤮

[–] gashead76 1 points 4 days ago

I just wonder what type of people saw that and thought Zelenskyy was the unreasonable one? It's rhetorical, I know what type of people think that... sadly.

[–] gashead76 2 points 6 days ago (1 children)

I've had that happen quite a few times over the years with iOS devices. The only thing I've ever been able to think of is that it was a carrier message that caused the notification. Carriers do sometimes send SMS messages that aren't normal messages (for updating carrier settings, activation, and who knows what else).

[–] gashead76 104 points 6 days ago (7 children)

I just can't understand why Vance would interpret Zelenskyy as being disrespectful for politely, calmly, and carefully articulating his point of view on how diplomacy has failed him and his country. Vance seems like the type of person I would basically laugh at and walk away from if I were in a situation to have to hear him be "alpha and in-charge".

It was like watching a scene from an episode of a reality TV show from the early 2000s.

[–] gashead76 2 points 1 week ago

I get the Oompa Loompa song stuck in my head fairly regularly. It usually only lasts for a few hours at most, but it's frequent.

[–] gashead76 2 points 1 week ago

No problem! I absolutely love how customizable Arctic is. I've managed to make a bunch of not-so-nice-to-look-at themes and one that I really like a lot. It's great for someone like me who is constantly fiddling with settings (it's part of the fun!).


Hey there! How much work would it be to add the ability to select a font to use for Arctic that’s installed on the device? For instance, I use the Atkinson Hyperlegible Next font for everything that I possibly can (it works wonders for my dyslexia).

[–] gashead76 2 points 1 week ago (2 children)

You already can customize those colors via the Themes feature in the Custom Themes area. It's slightly more involved, but just duplicate the theme you like and then edit the colors you want to change.

[–] gashead76 2 points 1 week ago

He's been in space for 9,461 days.

[–] gashead76 2 points 1 week ago

Nope, I still use Emby myself. Although I'm in the process of switching to Jellyfin I think. I have it running separately to sort of evaluate it. Jellyfin was a fork of Emby, so there are a lot of similarities.

[–] gashead76 4 points 1 week ago

I've had Infuse Pro for about 6 years and it has been an absolutely perfect app for me. I've used it across many different iterations of home media servers (Emby, Jellyfin, NFS, SMB, etc...)

If you use Apple devices it's the best way to go.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by gashead76 to c/arctic

Is there an app URL scheme that can be used with Arctic? Like if I wanted to open a Lemmy post using the address I could do arctic://openURL/

I recently started using the newly released Tapestry by The Iconfactory and it allows you to follow rss feeds and all kinds of other things (so Lemmy communities as well). It also lets you define your own custom apps to open for the various feeds and would love to have it open Arctic to the post when I tap the item in Tapestry.

Thanks a bunch for building this fantastic app!

By the way, here is Tapestry’s documentation on how to use the URL schemes, in case you wanna take a look.

Nurtec Discussion (self.migraine)
submitted 11 months ago by gashead76 to c/migraine

Hello folks, I haven’t seen anything new in this community in quite a while, but perhaps someone might see this…

I’ve been taking Nurtec for migraine for the past 4 months now and I’m very curious about other’s experiences with this medication. I’ve had fairly decent results with it (actually, it works better than anything I’ve tried in the past), but I also think I experience some pretty unfortunate side effects as well and I’d like to see if anyone else has noticed anything negative?


submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by gashead76 to c/iosbeta
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