
joined 2 years ago
[–] froh42 4 points 1 day ago

Klobrüder und - schwestern, vereinigt Euch!

[–] froh42 17 points 2 days ago

Thanks. I did remember that US subs used a off the shelf controller but couldn't think of the specific example.

Additionally with an off the shelf controller it's really easy to pack a replacement one. (And building a controller yourself - that one will always be worse and heavier than an off the shelf one plus replacement)

The crazy thing really is how they ignored everyone on warnings how not to construct a hull.

[–] froh42 1 points 3 days ago

Zitat aus dem Artikel:

Deshalb, und das wäre die zweite Schlussfolgerung, sollten die demokratischen Kräfte ihren Widerstand gegen Rechtsextreme so genau wie möglich gestalten. Ob man nun deren Geldflüsse mit allen verfügbaren Mitteln unter die Lupe nimmt oder ihre Verkehrungen ins Gegenteil stoisch als das benennt, was sie sind: bloße Ablenkungsmanöver. Abstrakte Warnungen und hitzige Empörung konnten den Siegeszug der extremen Rechten in den letzten Jahren nicht aufhalten. Nun hilft womöglich Widerstand, der vor allem eins ist: konkret in der Sache – und kalt im Ton.

[–] froh42 9 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

One tip when you have kids: If all the accounts are set up correctly as family accounts you can control playtime right in the settings. The PS will then log out the kids after (say) one hour of play automatically.

Using the PSN website you can grant an extension day by day. When my son had done his homework before playing I would regularly grant another hour. "Can I play more? - Have you done your homework? - Yes - No problem"

In the long run that conditioned him to do his stuff before playing. (And I did trust him, when he said he was finished with his work)

When you have kids it's really worth finding out how to set that up. And it saved us sooooo many "turn it off now" discussions.

[–] froh42 1 points 3 days ago

That ticket is already included for free when you order the console.

[–] froh42 5 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Level 3 is a big part of the storyline in "The Memory Police" by Yoko Ogawa

[–] froh42 2 points 5 days ago
[–] froh42 2 points 5 days ago

When my life turned upside down and a lot of shit happened I got interested in Stoicism to the point I even read a bit of Seneca.

I never felt it as a way to be emotionless or a way to hide or suppress emotions , but rather as a way to just accept my them and "yeah, I see and acknowledge I feel like crap, no need to go crazy about it" (in my situation). It brought an understanding to me that not everything that happens is about me personally and I stop fighting what I can't change to put my focus where I can have an influence.

Warning: this is not a definition of stoicism, but what I took away from it for myself.

[–] froh42 23 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) (1 children)

Als jemand, der sich schon immer als Liberaler versteht, hack ich mir lieber die Hand ab, bevor ich das Bündnis Christian Lindner wähle.

[–] froh42 5 points 1 week ago

I'm living in an apartment on the 8th floor. Heating is geothermal heating (from a big geothermal plant owned by the city I live in). So no heating in winter. My second worry would be the food spoiling in the freezer. I'd probably move everything down into the car to drive to my family's place (that's a bit of work, 8th floor, no elevator) and then notice that my car is trapped inside the garage below our apartment block due to the electric garage doors not opening. I'd probably get some help from other people in the house opening them by hand (might involve dismounting of the electronics box).

In other words, in case of a longer city-wide outage I'm screwed.

In case it's a shorter one and my electric window blinds in the bedroom are still closed, I wouldn't worry and find someone to screw.

[–] froh42 2 points 1 week ago

Oooh, 3D printed mole crap.

[–] froh42 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Als Arbeiter hast Du i. d. R. da nicht so einfach die Wahl. Und in einem Konzern kannst du vergessen, dass Du innerhalb "aufstreben" kannst und Dir Top Positionen innerhalb sicherst.

Das "hätte man Manager unabhängig vom Erfog besser bezahlt, dann wäre der Konzern besser gelaufen" habe ich nicht gesagt oder impliziert.

Was ich sagen will: Wenn ein ohnehin schon schwerfälliger Konzern durch so eine Krise läuft, dann führt das intern nicht zu einer Erneuerung sondern im Gegenteil zu einer. massiven Schwächung.

Die Tatsache ist, dass die Probleme bei ner großen Firma aber stark an der Denke der Mitarbeiter, die Entscheidungen treffen, liegen (auf allen Ebenen) - und so eine Krise lässt eher die Betonköpfe zurück.


I have a couchsurfing guestbook and and some guests left me a few small hrynvia bills in 2018. I just rediscovered them and think about my guests who visited me in Munich and just hope everyone is safe.

This is not global news, just about remembering everything is always about real people with faces and names who just want to do nothing else but live normal. lifes.

Slava Ukraini! A lamppost made out of brown mud. Night scene, city scape, glistening in the neon light.


Sorry, couldn't resist the clickbait title, but yes, THOSE should be checked from time to time, too.

But the PSA I want to say is: Check your printer for mechanical problems if you have trouble. It might not be obvious in the first place.

In this case my Ender 3 Pro with sprite was printing a horrible first layer and the z offset was never right - when it looked ok on the left side of the x axis it was off on the right side and vice versa. (Regardless of endless tries of bed tramming and using a bed mesh)

It turned out I had the eccentric nut on the right side of the gantry tightend too much when mounting the sprite, so the right side of the gantry was not moving freely enough.

Now I adjusted the eccentric nut, so I can juuuuust turn the wheel with my finger a bit, maybe a bit looser that what was explained in this video:

(And people, don't purchase a single Z axis printer if you can avoid it. When I bought my Ender there was a HUGE price difference to dual Z, but nowadays thigs look much better)

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