They'd have to care that there are crises to bother trying to fix them. Trump only cares about his personal problems and I'm pretty sure Vance is some kind of robot with bad AI who will just stop charging himself if things get too bad.
I'm glad most of my dogs have been small enough to carry when they get old. I guess if they hadn't been, I'd just have to be a lot stronger so I could lift them. I mean, I'd obviously never leave them to sleep on their own after years of sleeping in my bed.
I work with local-level politicians and we constantly complain about the ones that don't do the reading. At our level, they nearly all have other jobs, so I get it, but we LOVE when they actually read what we give them and can ask relevant questions. It's a thousand times better than the ones that just sit there and embarrass themselves every time they open their mouths.
The thing that draws me to him is the he seems like the kind of person who actually got in to politics because he wanted to help people, and he didn't become cynical and give up when he figured out all the roadblocks that are in the way of that goal. He seems like he still genuinely cares about people and wants everyone to have a better life, not just a small in-group.
Uh, I'm a woman and I like Tim Walz and think Jesse Watters should be thrown into an active volcano, so I'm not sure where he's getting his info from.
I have a sword (tbh it's kind of Spanish mall ninja shit, if the mall was a factory catering to tourists who want sharp souvenirs) and it's not even that big, but it's heavy. I know how many swords I can carry and the answer is one until I get tired. Then none.
Hard no. My day job is in government and I cannot take one more meeting in my life. I've attended some of the HOA meetings and they were actually worse than pretty much every meeting I have at work, because they last forever and the stakes are so stupid.
I finally got a 12 foot skeleton but our stupid HOA doesn't allow Halloween decorations before 10/1. I think I need a festive fall outfit for it so I can say it's not Halloween, it's just seasonal.
Ugh you just know he'd be a nightmare passenger anyway. Wearing that shirt says he's looking to piss people off and start fights.
I tried a piece of kibble when I was a kid, mostly because it bothered my mom and I thought it was funny. It wasn't good, but it wasn't the worst thing I've ever eaten. Most of my dogs have eaten pretty much whatever you offer them, except (of course) my chihuahua. She'd eat buffalo sauce but not a carrot. When she lost all her teeth, she'd eat a flavor of wet food happily for like, a week, and then refuse to touch it ever again, so I don't think it was the food being gross as much as it was her being a picky little shit.
Right? The point she's making had zero to do with being a woman, and she didn't single out men, but some dudes really love to tell on themselves.
My dog likes to come stick her tongue directly up my nose in the morning. I'm not sure if that's better or worse than licking the pillow. Though her tongue is much smaller than Ghost's, so at least there's that.