Where is Larry? The people need Larry!
You can ask to have your titers checked. I did mine about 5 years ago when it first started being reported that dipshits were doing their best to bring back measles and I was still well in the immune range but I'm glad I had it done. I had to tell my doctor I was traveling internationally to a country with lower vax rates (I was) to get him to agree, but I'd imagine doctors would be happy to check now.
Mine's about 14lbs, so delivery people usually just laugh at her. I always pick her up or otherwise restrain her before opening the door, though. Regardless of size, it wouldn't be cute if she bit someone's ankle.
My dog definitely disagrees with that. She would prefer if no one outside of our house existed or at least never walked anywhere within about a 3 house radius because that's obviously intended to be disrespectful to her. We've tried to train her to stop, but she's a very vocal breed and we kind of knew what we were getting into.
I struggle with being social because I'm usually so worn out by work, but my friends are honestly the best - they know I have a couple of hours in me, and they don't mind at all if I kind of wander off to read or lay down for 20 minutes to recharge. Sometimes they want to do the same thing, sometimes they keep doing whatever we're doing until I get back.
Literally the only defining characteristic is how much energy you have after socializing. The rest of this is total bs. I love being social if I'm in the mood, but I'm still an introvert because it wears me out.
Sounds like someone hasn't seen me eat kimchi.
My friend's husband cheated on her right before she got pregnant, so now he has 2 kids about a month apart. At one point, he was living in another state, they were still legally married, and she was seriously dating someone that she was considering marrying while raising both kids because neither of the bio parents were capable. Probably that?
Having punched someone in the nose before, it's way more painful to yourself than you'd think. My knuckles were bruised and then I cried because of all the adrenaline so really, 0/10 would not recommend unless you have a very good reason.
I find myself reflexively trying to reload when I'm not even using a gun. Tried to reload a giant sword the other day. Very helpful.
You know nothing about me. I haven't eaten meat since 1995 and I've been fully vegan for several years. I've been sharing information with people about the realities of factory farming and our current food system for literal decades. I know for a fact that way more than one person has changed their diet as a direct result of those conversations.
But when ICE is rounding people up down the street, and trans people are in my office trying to get passports and telling me they're afraid they're going to end up in prison and forcibly detransitioned, and my mom came home livid because some racist old fuck cornered her coworker in an elevator and demanded to know where she was from and she's terrified because her cousin was "deported" and no one has heard from her in a week, forgive me if conversations about veganism are not my priority right now. You know who can't be convinced to change their habits? People who are dead or in prison camps or who don't get a choice because their diet is "whatever the food bank has this week."
Conservatives don't fight like this - they say they feel some type of way and then they go and vote for the person with an R no matter what. Meanwhile, liberals and leftists will hold out for a perfect candidate, fight over everything, and then turn around and act shocked when our garbage electoral system doesn't work out in our favor.
Puppy mills. Any time a breed gets popular, those pieces of shit will start breeding any two dogs they can find with no consideration for temperament or health, and idiots pay through the nose for them. Then they're shocked when the dog they were promised would be smart and affectionate is anxious and aggressive.
I had a rescue doodle that came from a puppy mill that shut down, and he was in horrific shape. He physically couldn't sit for probably a year because his hips were in so much pain. I took him to a groomer and she had to shave him before and after his bath because he was so filthy and matted. He jumped at every loud noise for years. He was also incredibly gentle and sweet once he trusted us, but it was clear that the woman who owned him only cared about the state of the puppies, and kept the parents in appalling conditions.