Some say our attitude should be one of gratitude, like the widows and orphans of old London Town who owe their large pensions to Wernher von Braun.
At left is an Irish warrior in his quilted war coat, conversing with a Scottish gallòglach (or Gallowglass), who is carrying his claidheamh mhòr (great sword) and longbow, followed by another gallòglach wrapped in his feileadh mhòr (great kilt) and followed, finally, by two bare foot Irish kern (peasant warriors) carrying pole axes. The kern would have always accompanied the elite mercenaries to assist them with their weapons and gear.
I think your link is missing most of the URL (or my Lemmy client has messed it up) - here's the Wikipedia page.
That's true! Updated.
My diagram is just an attempt at a neater version of OPs. The only languages in the containers are the colored ones. doesn't let you stop ungrouped nodes from overlapping containers.
This is dumb and I love it.
I guess the point is that the modern groupings we apply are inherently jumbled. Here's a cleaner diagram, ~~but the containers still can't be drawn in a neat way:~~
Did you see them at the picnic? Oh, of course you did – you're everywhere, you're omnivorous.
Additionally, hardware is often sold at a loss to tie you into a manufacturer's ecosystem. What a pod coffee machine loses at point of sale they bet on regaining as you buy their consumables. The same goes for printers, phones (with a slice of app sales going to the store), video game consoles, and I'm sure there are plenty of other examples.
Duolever is a front fork suspension system for motorcycles. You might be thinking of Exolever?
- SPQR: A History of Ancient Rome, by Mary Beard