
joined 2 years ago
[–] dr_jekell 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Did you check to see if you needed a VLAN attached to the PPPoE connection?

I know for my fibre connection here in NZ I have to attach VLAN 10 to my connection setup to allow for it to connect.

[–] dr_jekell 6 points 1 day ago

Are you sure that they don't prefer listening to audio books?


To save others from a bit of confusion I will make a post here.

The method to change the Web UI is "sudo pihole setpassword"

It will then prompt you for a new password.

[–] dr_jekell 3 points 2 weeks ago

I had the same problem with my previous case.

I ended up placing a coaster with a cork back over the buttons, the cork helped it to not slide around.

[–] dr_jekell 4 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

It is an app but it is a "Third party" app, IE not an official Lemmy app.

So it won't have high enough access to user data to do password changes.

Look at getting a password manager like Bitwarden to manage and store all of your passwords instead of trying to remember them.

[–] dr_jekell 2 points 1 month ago

You act like that's a bad thing.

[–] dr_jekell 4 points 1 month ago

"The perfect organism. Its structural perfection is matched only by its hostility.

A survivor... unclouded by conscience, remorse, or delusions of morality. "


I brought a Grandstream GWN7711P switch a while ago but I have found a rather annoying problem.

When the switch does not have an internet connection it is spamming "router.gwn.cloud" every 2-5 seconds and filling my firewall logs (360+ times in 35 min).

Does anyone know how to disable the cloud connection?

[–] dr_jekell 9 points 2 months ago

Looks like they have a part in a Studio Ghibli film

[–] dr_jekell 6 points 2 months ago

That's the chaos loading level display.

[–] dr_jekell 31 points 2 months ago (1 children)

From what I understand about the windows 10 install is you have to remove the internet connection to get the option.

[–] dr_jekell 21 points 3 months ago (1 children)

You lie, I've been looking at the picture for a while and all I see is the void staring back at me.

[–] dr_jekell 10 points 3 months ago

That is clearly the IT tech fixing what the two people behind have broken.

Notebook cover quandary (self.pensandpaper)

There is something I have been wondering.

Various manufacturers regularly put out new notebooks with specialty covers either as a yearly special or a limited edition product.

My question is, why don't they start making covers instead/as well?

Hobonichi, Midori, Kokuyo and some others make basic covers but none make decorated paper, plastic, vinyl or fabric covers that can be moved between notebooks.

It would be nice to be able to get a fabric cover printed with something like Van Gogh's Starry Night.

Notebook cover quandary (self.fountainpens)
submitted 5 months ago by dr_jekell to c/fountainpens

There is something I have been wondering.

Various manufacturers regularly put out new notebooks with specialty covers either as a yearly special or a limited edition product.

My question is, why don't they start making covers instead/as well?

Hobonichi, Midori, Kokuyo and some others make basic covers but none make decorated paper, plastic, vinyl or fabric covers that can be moved between notebooks.

It would be nice to be able to get a fabric cover printed with something like Van Gogh's Starry Night.


Just a PSA: for anyone using a MikroTik router, using it for their DHCP server and are having issues with their devices not using Pi-hole.

If you have set the IP of your Pi-hole as the DNS server and are seeing entries in "dynamic servers" then the router is using your ISP's DNS server causing it to bypass your Pi-Hole.

You need to go to the interface that is supplying your internet connection (PPPoE client, DHCP) and turn off the option "use peer dns".

This will disable dynamic servers and route everything to your Pi-hole.

Weird URL in Pi-Hole logs (self.syncforlemmy)
submitted 7 months ago by dr_jekell to c/syncforlemmy

I was looking through my Pi-hole logs and a strange URL is regularly coming up that I can't figure out what it is used for.


Does anyone have any insight?


I have the search bar added to the toolbar which I use to either search straight from it or use it to bring up google.

It looks like in the latest update you can no longer select the text box, hit enter and get taken to the search page.

You have to enter some text before it does so.

Does anyone else have the same issue?

Mikrotik setup question (self.networking)
submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by dr_jekell to c/[email protected]

I have recently upgraded my router from a nearly 7 year old consumer "gaming" router to a Mikrotik RB960PGS router.

So far I have been able to:

  • Remove all configurations
  • Set a long admin password
  • Create a bridge
  • Setup DHCP server
  • Set up NAT
  • Set up Spark NZ fibre connection
  • Update to latest stable firmware (7.15.2)
  • Set up basic IPv4 & IPv6 firewalls
  • Setup NTP & disable cloud/update time
  • Set DNS to my Pi-hole
  • Disabled the following IP services API, API-SSL, FTP, SSH, Telnet, & WWW-SSL
  • Turned off "detect internet"
  • Turned off "use peer dns" so all DNS goes through the Pi-Hole instead of the ISP's DNS servers.

Is there any other "gotcha's" or things that I should be setting up?

Fixed TWSBI Go ink problems (self.fountainpens)
submitted 10 months ago by dr_jekell to c/fountainpens

I brought a TWSBI Go with a fine nib a while ago.

From day two it had issues with the feed drying up extremely quickly when using Diamine Scribble Purple ink.

It dried out slightly slower when using Lamy black ink but for some reason it would fling out drops of ink when uncapped or jostled (so much fun finding random ink blobs on your dark mouse mat).

Tried flushing the pen with water, taking the nib out and cleaning it with soapy water to no effect.

I was about to return the pen but I found a random post that suggested flushing the entire pen with soapy water and cleaning the nibs slit would fix the issue.

Seeing as I had nothing to loose and doing so wouldn't damage the pen I gave it a try. I ended up using some cotton sewing thread to clean the slit as that was all I had to hand.

After cleaning the pen with soapy and clean water, cleaning the nib, drying, reassembling and reinking I gave it another go.

And to my surprise it writes like a dream now and has no random ink going flying.

While I know how I went about fixing the pen wasn't the best method I thought I would post about it anyway.

submitted 10 months ago by dr_jekell to c/kobo

What books have you read recently &/or are reading?

You are all enablers! (self.fountainpens)
submitted 11 months ago by dr_jekell to c/fountainpens

So a while ago I thought that I would get a Lamy fountain pen to see if it would help with my handwriting.

So off I go looking around at what is available and find the Lamy Safari, then I find the Lamy Al-star which cost a bit more than the Safari and I prefer metal pens due to my gorilla sized hands.

So I buy the Lamy Al-star with a fine nib, some Lamy blue black cartridges and a converter.

Wasn't really happy with the blue black ink (wasn't dark enough) so I went looking and found the Diamine blue black ink which is my new fave.

Got a small bottle of that plus a bottle & cartridges of Lamy black ink and a EF nib for the Al-star.

Time goes on and I see people talking about the TWSBI ECO and the Platinum Preppy pens.

So after some debate I visit my local fine pen and stationary shop (kind of dangerous to my wallet) I am now the owner of a TWSBI ECO with an EF nib, a PP with EF nib, Platinum Pigment Carbon Black Cartridges & a A5 Rhodia Webnotebook.

All was good for a while then I had a need for a better pen to carry in my bag.

So today I purchased an Kaweco AL Sport with EF nib, another Platinum Preppy with a fine nib, a box of Kaweco perl black cartridges and a box of Diamine blue black cartridges.

Hopefully I have enough pens for now but something tells me that I don't.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by dr_jekell to c/linux

Just a PSA for anyone beating their head against a wall trying to figure out why snaps are not working on their Manjaro stable install.

The current top kernel (6.8.4-1) is bugged and causes snaps to give this error:

error: system does not fully support snapd: cannot mount squashfs image using "squashfs"

Apparently the newer version of the 6.8 kernel available in Manjaro testing works fine.

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