I don't think I'd eat anything named Hydrox tbh. Then again I didn't think I'd love Mr. Christie's creamy frosting this much...
I was falsely banned while playing the early access campaign. I put zero weight into these claims that they e banned x number of users.
Is the app live yet?
I'll have to experiment more with the infrared burner. Means more steaks for me so I'm okay with that 😂
Oh cool I love the idea of a nice charcoal grill. I had no idea that it could get that hot lol, you basically turned it into a smelter huh.
Yep I'm guessing it was user error on my part since everything I see online basically says to sear as hot as possible. There are grill heights that I forgot to mess with.
For sure, but that's in addition to the intercaste, interfaith, and intrafaith conflicts that have existed occurred for thousands of years. British colonization was terrible ofc, but it definitely wasn't the lone or even major cause of the problems occurring today.
Ooh nice technique. In all the YouTube videos I've seen on how to cook a steak, I've never seen the recommendation to cook it low and slow in a BBQ. Did you choose 650°F for a reason, or was that just the hottest your grill gets? I tried finishing a steak on my grill's infrared sear station but ended up with a harsh acrid taste, I think the sear was too hot?
Make that 30
It's interesting to speculate what the relationship between Muslims and Hindus would have been if partition never occurred, but given that Hindus have been terrorising other Hindus along ethnic and state lines, as well as other religious minorities altogether, I don't think it would have been too different.
Hindu nationalists (Hindutvas) have been slaughtering minorities for decades now. With the current BJP government (who are the political wing of the RSS, a paramilitary organization that literally fashioned themselves after the Nazis) in power, they're not only unchecked, but encouraged. I'm not exaggerating any of this.
Don't put needless spending past gamers lol. Even if it's not needed, you'll get players who buy the latest and greatest just for bragging rights.
Consumers like you are the reason they can get away with literal theft. When they have people like you who blindly trust their authority and judgement without any burden of proof, they can do anything they want. And yenno what? There's nothing that'll change your mind, because people like you (the steam forums have THOUSANDS) have knee-jerk reactions to cheating accusations.
For the record, I can still play MW19 and WZ1 on the banned account, and I can play MW2 Open weekends and WZ2/DMZ on a new (F2P) account on the same PC, with the same software and background programs, with the same motherboard and hardware. Their anti-cheat is broken as fuck.