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[–] dkc 5 points 1 week ago (2 children)

For me, the main issue is the quality of content.

I have access to several streaming services, although all of them I pay for as part of some bundle where the streaming service isn’t my main motivator for subscribing. Netflix is bundled with my cell phone plan, Prime I use for delivery, Apple TV+ which is bundled with Apple One I use for news, music, and HomeKit secure video, and lastly HBO Max that I get with my cable subscription. I also ended up with one year of Hulu for free, but I forget where that came from.

I’d have no concern giving all of them up because I pay for a Usenet account. Combined with Radarr and Plex I have access to anything I want to watch.

Despite all this content, scrolling through my activity in Plex I haven’t watched a single movie released in 2024 since May when I watched the Dune: Part Two.

I don’t think people are motivated to subscribe to a service where the subscription doesn’t get you much of anything new. You might as well go to Goodwill and pick up some used DVDs and Blue-rays.

[–] dkc 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

For newer APIs the kernels documentation is good:

As for getting help, the #kernelnewbies channel on the OFTC IRC network is a good place to ask questions.

Have fun learning!

[–] dkc 4 points 1 week ago (3 children)

I’ve done some kernel development. I’d suggest using a modern system. Most of the basic stuff in the book is still accurate and there’s great documentation available to help find newer APIs. The kernel is always refactoring so learning to find newer info is part of the skills you’ll need to develop anyway.

[–] dkc 11 points 6 months ago (1 children)

I hope there’s pushback on this. They mention prices can change as often as 10 seconds. Meaning you can add something to your cart and by the time you check out the price has gone up. That seems like false advertising. Will the store associates have a way to override the cost if we make a fuss and ask them to price match the items to the cost when we added them to our carts?

It feels like this is another area where technology is advancing faster than our consumer protection laws. I suppose another thing to write your local representatives about. I’d hope legislation protecting a family grocery shopping would be an easy win for politicians and bipartisan.

[–] dkc 5 points 7 months ago (1 children)

I expected more from the article. I accept it’s supposed to be a high level overview but even keeping that in mind they made some odd choices with how the article is organized. coreboot is first mentioned in the section about bootloaders after discussing systemd-boot and GRUB. That’s out of place given the article is trying to organize itself by having each section be in chronological order. I worry this can confuse people new to these concepts.

I’m a fan of what this company is doing and even own one of their laptops, but this article feels lazy. Given that they’re one of the few companies that provide an open source UEFI implementation out of the box I’d be interested in reading a well written article about the process and their experiences using it, but this article certainly isn’t it.

[–] dkc 5 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

I haven’t tried setting up IMAP directly in mutt for a decade, so maybe Neomutt has made improvements, but it was often laggy to the point of being unusable.

I’d suggest people look into using mbsync (author mentions it at the bottom of the blog post as an update) as an external tool to sync mail via IMAP, or if you’re really committed to Gmail you can give lieer a try. It integrates well with Gmail’s labels and syncs them with a notmuch database. I stopped using Gmail years ago and switched to Fastmail. There’s an equivalent program to lieer called mujmap that works with Fastmail. I’ve been using it for over a year and works great.

[–] dkc 3 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

The first handful of times I took edibles I got no effect from them. I had to keep going up to around 40 mg. After the first few attempts they started to hit harder and I’ve stuck to the lower amounts. I don’t know if there’s any science to back it but I’ve heard similar stories. Just wanted to share in case that 75 ends up being a wild ride.

[–] dkc 16 points 7 months ago (7 children)

I’d be curious to know what THC dosage people use for their edibles. I alternate between 5mg and 10mg depending on how productive I want to be. 2500 would probably ruin my week.

[–] dkc 3 points 7 months ago

That looks like a really interesting board. I have a few icebreakers and the ice storm tooling is a pleasure to work with, at least as a hobbyist. It’s going to be nice to pair it with a microcontroller.

[–] dkc 32 points 7 months ago
[–] dkc 7 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (4 children)

There’s a great book, Capital In The 21st Century, that goes into a lot of detail on why inflation is common in modern economies despite there being large stretches of time just a few centuries ago without any noticeable inflation.

The author’s argument is that inflation benefits governments that are in debt. If the government owes a trillion dollars that has to be paid off over a 100 year loan, the government has the tools to raise inflation over that time span to where a trillion dollars is no longer a lot of money. And during that 100 years the government can just keep paying the minimum interest payment and let the rest of the loan become worthless overtime.

For us regular folk, we can get some of the same advantages with fixed interest loans over 30 years, etc.

[–] dkc 38 points 7 months ago (1 children)

To your point, when you look at both crypto and AI I see a common theme. They both need a lot of computation, call it super computing. Nvidia makes products that provide a lot of compute. Until Nvidia’s competitors catch up I think they’ll do fine as more applications that require a lot of computation are found.

Basically, I think of Nvidia as a super computer company. When I think of them this way their position makes more sense.

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