
joined 2 years ago
[–] dingus 5 points 1 month ago

Glad they were able to censor such fowl, offensive words like "when" and "someone".

[–] dingus 7 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

As a long time glasses wearer, no it does not mean there is necessarily something wrong with your eyes. Glasses can cause visual aberrations. Lights at night always look a bit like puffballs to me no matter my prescription. Not sure if it's just because my prescription is a bit stronger than most or what. Something about contact lenses makes this go away entirely, but I prefer wearing my glasses for comfort.

[–] dingus 4 points 1 month ago (9 children)

I have an air fryer, but I dislike using it because it's annoying af to clean and I'm lazy.

If I microwave something, there is either no mess or I can chuck the plate or whatever in the dishwasher. If I use pots and pans on the stove, I can chuck them in the dishwasher (blah blah blah Teflon I get it but whatever, it's just me).

For an air fryer? I can't exactly chuck it in the dishwasher and it seems to need to be cleaned after every single use or else it's disgusting. I have been using those circular pieces of parchment paper which do help loads but still.

[–] dingus 10 points 1 month ago (1 children)
[–] dingus 4 points 1 month ago

Idk I wash my laptop in the dishwasher all the time

[–] dingus 5 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Yeah and don't forget that some people (although not necessarily a ton in the western world) don't celebrate Christmas either. It was interesting to me because I met a young person the other day born in the US but to immigrant parents. Despite being born and raised in the US, he (and his family) don't celebrate Christmas or anything.

In line with yours, I remember always being happy to work certain holidays like new years or memorial day or whatever because they aren't holidays to me and I would get extra pay for being there.

[–] dingus 1 points 1 month ago

I like this one. I call mine Robot Slave. I'll be the first to be killed in a robot uprising.

[–] dingus 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I don't know really. It's mostly anything outside of certain scenarios. I am comfortable at work and with my parents. Anything else I am always uncomfortable. My discomfort can range from mild to severe depending on the scenario.

[–] dingus 1 points 1 month ago


But I do not experience it with my parents and I do not experience it at work.

[–] dingus 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (2 children)

I have seen quite a few of those because people say you're supposed to keep looking if they aren't helping you. I've spoken to maybe 5 different ones at this point. They never have much of substance to say but are very quick to deduct large amounts of money from my bank account. I don't entirely understand what I am supposed to do to get something out of that. Not sure how many more I'm supposed to see or how much more thousands of dollars I'm supposed to spend before someone actually has any ideas of what to do beyond chatting with me and giving basic cookie cutter advice/platitudes.

I've honestly had similar enough chats with ChatGPT for free.

[–] dingus 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (15 children)

I have a stupid question.

How do people "see how it goes" and ever have a positive experience? For me, even if the person is friendly and funny, I am so uncomfortable that I never want to do it again. Literally no one has ever felt any different for me. Even if I gain some level of pleasantness and satisfaction from the interaction, it is incredibly mild and doesn't ever make up for anything or make me wish to continue. I have tried seeing people repeatedly to no avail. The cost-benefit analysis never nets me out on top. I have always been a perpetual loner due in part to this. Does this mean I'm a psychopath or something? Because I cannot connect with and gain satisfaction from humans the way they seem to be able to with each other?

[–] dingus 28 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (6 children)

I think your assessment of the issue is accurate. People don't go out and do things like they did before the pre cellphone and internet age.

But for me...for the life of me if I go out and do stuff on my own, I cannot interact with strangers. It's uncomfortable, unpleasant, and I don't get anything out of it. I don't know how that's supposed to magically swing the other direction.

Hell, even with people I like and know well... interacting with them outside of our "normal" routine is uncomfortable and unpleasant for me. Over the years, I've befriended someone at work and feel comfortable there. But for the life of me, I cannot gain the same level of comfort and satisfaction hanging out outside of work.

I've had a sister in law for years and years now. Despite this, I do not have the inability to interact with her. It is uncomfortable, unlessant, and I do not get anything out of it. It's not her fault...she's a very nice person. But I just absolutely cannot ever gain comfort around people in certain (read: many) types of scenarios. I am comfortable around my parents and that's it. No matter how often I spend with other people.

Exposing myself repeatedly to these scenarios has not ever helped or made any sort of difference.

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