
joined 2 years ago
[–] dezmd 9 points 9 months ago (6 children)

What rights don't ex-gay people get?

[–] dezmd 4 points 9 months ago

Voyager client on Android, autoplayed the autorepeating gif for me.

[–] dezmd 4 points 9 months ago

Sufficient interest in the matter equates to standing in a general manner.

[–] dezmd 0 points 9 months ago

So, 'get in line' with your view, or 'fuck you', is your message.

Progressives, including myself, are upset at Biden, but we're not monolithic, and many of us are even reasonable grownups that don't let our rage dictate how we respond to situations with vitriol and insults, or with demands that everyone else conform to our individuals views or be dismissed. I get it on some level, you're obviously younger, I had the fervor of inexperienced passion with politics in my younger years as well. I actively try not to project my own shortcomings onto others to convince myself I'm right when I feel attacked. You're losing the plot and only seeing red.

  • Who should we be voting for/against in primaries other than just Biden?

  • How many threads and comments are you posting about local, state, and federal politics that are even more important than President?

  • What Congressional Representatives are you mad at about genocide support?

  • What state lawmakers are supporting genocide and need to be engaged over it?

  • Where’s the rest of your outrage for the little things that matter more than the optical illusion that is the Presidential race?

Biden is the middle ground Republican-light compromise coward and always has been, none of your screaming is going to make him stop talking from both sides of his mouth. If anything, he's had a few releases that were surprisingly harsher on Israel than some of us ever expected him to.

You are laser focused on the wrong-goddamn shit - looking for instant gratification by trying to make the story of the plight of Palestinians about Biden and a singular American election, when it's about so much more and could have stronger impacts if it was focused on actionable solutions rather than reactions to public statements.

[–] dezmd 4 points 9 months ago (2 children)


[the above is just making an important distinction, not really yelling though the screen]

Reality includes nuance, recognition, and rationale.

How many threads and comments are you posting about local, state, and federal politics that are even more important than President?

What Congressional Representatives are you mad at about genocide support?

Who should we be voting for/against in primaries other than just Biden? What state lawmakers are supporting genocide and need to be engaged over it?

Where's the rest of your outrage for the little things that matter more than the optical illusion that is the Presidential race?

Or, alternatively, just recognize that you are now part of a distraction meant to disrupt American politics, and your cognitive dissonance prevents you from acknowledging certain realities, one of which is that your echo chamber is just an echo chamber. We all have to learn that eventually, or we will reap what we sow. The last time we really experienced a 'reap what you sow' in a Presidential election was in 2000 with Bush v. Gore. We got Bush, we got 9/11, then we got Iraq and Afghanistan wars that threw real people and families, in this country AND more so in the countries we invaded, into a murder meat grinder as a way to feed a military complex rather than feeding justice for the 9/11 dead. That is OUR modern legacy that must never be allowed to resurge. I'd argue we got lucky with Trump's first term in terms of a 'reap what you sow' scenario, he was far more of an incompetent greedy clown than a corruption evil genius than expected, but he seems to have come around to leaning in towards a much more focused corrupt evil clown this time around that will coincide with much worse consequences and outcomes for all of us if his circus act succeeds.

Not everyone is on the same page even among progressives, and here, you are seeming like another side of the same Trumpie coin by demanding the litmus test for ~~conservatives~~ Progressives be this ~~sleepy corrupt demonic racist~~ genocide Joe line-in-the-sand narrative that is blaringly, obviously, propagandized as commentary that will be reinforced to divide and dilute voters that recognize the real world danger of Trump and his rhetoric.

If genocide is what you are truly concerned about, wouldn't a better focus of your internet-commenter ire and time be demanding change directly at Netanyahu and Israel's government? They already had plenty of munitions and monetary support from the US for decades of suppression of the Palestinians' self determination. Where were you 5 years ago on a seemingly ongoing genocide of Palestinians? 10 years ago? 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50 years ago when Israel was, based on a long history of not even just 'liberalized/progressive' media reports, accused of committing a genocide against Palestinians?

Biden is a half measure, but he's the only half way acceptable option we have based on the system we live in. We aren't going to have a civil war over this, and we can't change the Constitution before November. Yelling at the sky does not at all fix anything. Offer solutions, and if there is one that is a better option than voting for Biden to prevent far more corruption from Trump, let us know now.

[–] dezmd 4 points 9 months ago

Fuck em, let's do it anyway.

[–] dezmd 6 points 9 months ago

My inner voice is my voice as I hear it, and is more obviously there when I'm contemplative or reflective on ideas and concepts, but it doesn't seem to actively dictate or narrate most of my actions as I go through the day, except perhaps in anxiety or adrenaline peaking situations. It does seem more likely to flip to the forefront when there's an 'emergency' sort of moment to help stay calm and rational where others may panic. I do have some 'imagery' thoughts but only when I'm on more of an autopilot with an activity.

Interestingly, I can have very vivid and detailed dreams filled with unique imagery and events that can seem very real and my inner voice kicks on sometimes during dreams, and I recognize it as a dream. I have at times been able to influence the direction of a dream that my subconscious usually seems to be running. These dreams can be expansive, I'm talking deep backstory, knowing things and languages I do not know, knowing details about history or science or math that I do not know, and having a strange hyper awareness of existence around me that I do not have when awake. The only really 'scary' dreams I've had since I was a kid are ones where I can't find my kids, or where my dad is still alive and shows back up at home like he was just living somewhere else for a while (and it's not so much scary as just hyper-confusing and stressful). The dad dreams are also some of the best dreams to have that inner voice of awareness happen.

[–] dezmd 4 points 9 months ago

What if I told you you can make a backup of a config file and edit a single line in a conf file, all with a single line of bash?

sudo cp config.conf config.conf.bak.$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S") && sed -i 's/^\(CONFIG_NAME\s*=\s*\).*/\1new_value/' config.conf

[–] dezmd 10 points 9 months ago

Yeah, totally.

Just imagine trying to do this with Windows Powershell, without a package manager like chocolatey to make it simple like linux...

$workdir = "c:\installer\"

If (Test-Path -Path $workdir -PathType Container)

{ Write-Host "$workdir already exists" -ForegroundColor Red}


{ New-Item -Path $workdir  -ItemType directory }

$source = ""

$destination = "$workdir\firefox.exe"

if (Get-Command 'Invoke-Webrequest')


     Invoke-WebRequest $source -OutFile $destination




    $WebClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient

    $webclient.DownloadFile($source, $destination)


Start-Process -FilePath "$workdir\firefox.exe" -ArgumentList "/S"

Start-Sleep -s 35

rm -Force $workdir/firefox*
[–] dezmd 3 points 9 months ago

Not being corrupted is just too darn expensive.

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