Am I the only one who came for the Borderlands 2 reference (DPUH)? I mean, grinding at Pyro Pete's Bar brawls was kind of fun for a while.
I appreciate the comparison but, no.
This is why I enjoy it here.
Still, Dark Souls the best.
This would produce the ultimate case of FOMO or a sigh of relief of finally being alone and ending this shit soon.
Became a recluse And bought a computer Set it up in the home Elusive big one On the screen Saw the Holy Ghost, I swear On the screen
Where's the cursor? Where's the eraser? Where's the cursor? Where's the eraser? G-O-H-O-H-O-9-O G-O-H-O-H-O-9-O G-O-H-O-H-O-9-O H-O-9-O-G-O-H-O
What's a computer? Eat y'self fitter What's a computer? Eat y'self fitter
I swear, Mark E. Smith was sometimes decades ahead of his time.
If you mean like slapping a puddle of diarrhea, then I agree. IIRC the movie's style was so annoying and the plot so boring that it's a small miracle I managed to finish it in the first place.
Based on this you'll love Tarkovsky and Bergman.
Anthrax letter incoming!
This new craze they call "rock nucleic roll" is driving the country's youth wild!
Borderlands Borderlands 2
Then if you're still interested, Borderlands Pre-sequel
And if you find yourself really into the series, Borderlands 3