
joined 1 year ago
[–] danc4498 1 points 2 hours ago

As long as it’s just one memory. No single cringe is that bad. But the collection of them will end my life.

[–] danc4498 7 points 3 hours ago

Liberals! Repeat after me: Contested Convention!

[–] danc4498 2 points 22 hours ago

I would love this too. But still I would love something official that would designate which items are the over processed ones.

Though, the Supreme Court is about to make the FDA useless, so that won’t work soon.

[–] danc4498 5 points 23 hours ago* (last edited 23 hours ago)

It’s the same with using LLM’s for writing. It won’t deliver a finished product, but it will give you ideas that can be used in the final product.

[–] danc4498 9 points 1 day ago (1 children)

The dissent basically says that a deal was reached to get money from this company and all 50 state’s attorney generals supported this. This decision results in that money possibly being lost and opioid victims never getting paid.

I don’t know enough about it though. Seems like the money part of the bankruptcy should not shield the criminals from going to jail. But it sounds like it might be.

[–] danc4498 9 points 1 day ago (1 children)

It’s sad that I’ve just resigned myself to say “this is our world now”.

But hey, at least we can now get abortions for medical emergencies in Idaho.

[–] danc4498 11 points 1 day ago (2 children)

There’s a fatal flaw in this that she never even addressed. In the beginning, she said she is always wearing a hat. Well, if she’s carrying a bag, she’s no longer wearing a hat! I think she needs to make the bag in a way that she can still wear the hat while it’s a bag.

[–] danc4498 20 points 1 day ago (2 children)

I think it would help. Often times all the items on the shelf look the same with the exception of price.

You add a warning label on one item and the item next to it is $2 more and doesn’t have the warning, I am likely to buy the more expensive item.

[–] danc4498 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

Hmm, I’m not really sure what you’re talking about at this point… I think we’ll just have to agree to disagree. With only the context of Tyson’s video, I felt it was douchey.

Considering he has a reputation for being douchey in literally the same manner, but towards common people, it seemed like par for the course with him.

[–] danc4498 3 points 2 days ago

Omg, good point about proportions representation! I live in Tennessee where democrats have 1 out of 9 house seats. That’s 11% represention for democrats and 89% for republicans. And that isn’t counting the 2 republican senators.

According to Pew research, republicans make up 48% of TN and democrats are 36% (15% no lean). But the 48% has drawn the lines so they get 89% of the representation.

It is infuriating!

Somebody else mentioned Ireland too, maybe that should be the model.

[–] danc4498 1 points 2 days ago (3 children)

Rather than giving an entire unsolicited peer review, I would just mention there were issues with the paper and offer a full peer review if he’s interested. It’s clear from the paper that Terence has no idea what the process of a peer review is, so maybe start by educating him on that.

Now, if that happened, or if Terrence sent the paper and asked for a full peer review, I would take back my comment. But based on this video, it didn’t feel like that’s what happened.

[–] danc4498 36 points 2 days ago (12 children)

Are they cheaper?


2 great movies about bad moms. One from the child’s perspective, the other from the mom’s perspective.


Welcome to my darkness. I spent my life hunting this guy, Morty. This is the closest I've ever been to Rick Prime. It's impossible. He.. He's an incredibly crafty piece of shit. Hunting him destroyed me, Morty, but now we're gonna do it together. You and me. It's going to take over your life Morty! Rick and Morty season 7: Hunting My Nemesis. Maybe trying to stay healthy while doing it? Juggling plates? Not every episode, Morty. It could be all happening in the background. Who knows? No.. Noone will, except us. It.. It's the most painfull shit I've ever had to deal with, but I'm bringing you into it because you asked for it, Morty! You and me Morty!


I’m not really sure where to ask this question. Maybe there’s a lemmy dev community where these kind of discussions already happen.

I feel like the default front page in Lemmy is still severely lacking when compared to Reddit’s r/all algorithm. I find hot and top hourly to be nearly identical. The top 6 hour is closer, but still not as good as what the Reddit default front page is.


And it never has.


Not sure if this is where suggestions go, but I'll put it he anyway.

I think the community name should be shown above the preview image of the post. Seeing the community name is important for the context of whatever the post is. I'd like to see the name before seeing the actual post.


spoiler5pm. He goes home at 5pm

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