Do not give him ideas, please.
Look at Larry Ellison keeping a low profile. Smart.
Nope, I’ve called an electrician to sort it. Also have a switch upstairs that does nothing. Gonna have him go all detective on that, too.
Use different search engines for different things, spread your data around.
That is the only thing that makes sense. I may have to just check EVERY GFCI in the whole house. I wouldn’t put it past the builder to do something crazy with the wiring….
I was using the voltage detector just to see if ANY wire was live in the switch. Which none were. I’ll try the multimeter.
AFAIK the switch is one-way. The circuit breaker has it labeled, “Dining Room/HallCloset.” The hall closet only has two functioning light switches—inside closet light and outside hall light—and there’s an outlet in closet, too, which is functional.
Ah, thought the GFCI was it! but the three outlets anywhere near the light seem engaged.
Circuit breaker is all good, flipped anything near the dining room off and on. Nada.
Not getting any power through the wall switch wires using my voltage detector.
Yeah. Crazy, right?
Funny story, those guys lost ALL my data a few years ago.
It’s because he can’t use his chain saw on anything.