I assume we should change “ever” to “never”
I mean, he went to fucking Starbucks beforehand.
So you’re saying it’s not really special. Not the highest, not the deepest?
Sure. Throw it in!
The point is, if they could detect a 27” asteroid, something bigger won’t be an issue [for detection].
Cool trailer. Can’t wait for the movie.
There is a time/place/reason for captures. For example, I just pointed out the link wasn’t working. (But it is again)
Thanks though!
It’s a good way to say, “customer service that blocks the exit,” though!
113 RN (27%/6 mo)
Edit: Links aren’t working at the moment. Did Google remove the chart [at Russia’s behest]?
Sorry for your luck.
Listening to your body is meant in the context of over-exercising though. It’s not a blanket get out of exercise card. That’s called “listening to your brain”.
America: Hitting snooze since 2015.
No Christmas bonus this year.