
joined 2 years ago
[–] cmeu 0 points 1 month ago
[–] cmeu 5 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (4 children)

The presumption here is that all the non voters would've voted against Trump - but even among motivated voters, that wasn't true. So who's to say more voters would've materially altered the outcome? What makes it likely there's a different outcome with more voices..? As I remember, it seemed like Kamala was behind all along

Also, the electoral outcomes don't change much if the yellow state was already aligned to your preference 🤷‍♂️ my vote wouldn't change the outcome of my state, years of voting on principle for independent and non incumbents have proven that to me, so why bother voting for the pres?

Especially when it is literally giant douche v turd sandwich - neither option represents a win.

[–] cmeu 1 points 3 months ago (2 children)
[–] cmeu 5 points 3 months ago

I got in - but there isn't much to see/do yet. Not sure how to post videos, can't see anyone else


[–] cmeu 7 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Every time I post it's in the wrong community or against some rule and I get the hammer

I post things I want to see, but I'm apparently alone in that desire

[–] cmeu 6 points 3 months ago

Every one so excited to back the lesser of two evils and wondering why things are the way they are

[–] cmeu 1 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (1 children)

Actual explanation, Craig Ferguson was a late night talk show host. At some point he had Grant Imahara from myth busters build him a robot Co host, he did, it had an articulated head and mouth and arms that moved - and it had a sound board. The sound board offered, of course, limited options. He had a few phrases that he could say. Later they revised Geoff and had him voiced by the actor linked in the video above. He said things like in your pants, balls, etc. and it was generally hilarious. I loved the show, the sketches, and as a Dad, enjoy old jokes. There are at least 4 of us who got it, so... Mission accomplished pretty much

[–] cmeu -1 points 4 months ago
[–] cmeu 1 points 4 months ago

Agree it's not that complicated Many ddns providers can update aaaa just as they do a records... Most isp should either be providing some range of native ipv6 addresses, or some kind of 4-to-6 translation. It's 2024 - we're beyond RFC 791 specs I find it helpful to deal with prefix delegation by providing a "token" for nmcli to use. Then the ddns script can locate your defined suffix and push it to to the host


So I got a notice from Ticketmaster that my identity was accessed by an intruder and my name, contact info and /encrypted/ payment info was compromised. These notices are more and more common. Why aren't companies accountable for damages when they fail to protect all the myriad data they collect on people without consent? I never asked them to store these things..

submitted 8 months ago by cmeu to c/metal

One of my favorites

submitted 8 months ago by cmeu to c/metal


submitted 8 months ago by cmeu to c/metal


new retro tunes (self.forza)
submitted 8 months ago by cmeu to c/forza

New radio station is pretty sweet! I've find myself humming a bunch of this retro synth stuff to myself everywhere I go

submitted 9 months ago by cmeu to c/nostupidquestions

Could Biden order Trump's execution and win the next election?

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by cmeu to c/kings

Go Kings Go!

"relationship" with kids mom (self.relationship_advice)
submitted 10 months ago by cmeu to c/relationship_advice

I am beginning the process of divorce. There was no history of anything bad, just general lack of compatibility. We've been together 13 years, and at least the past 3-4 we've been shells of who we were.

Though we both care deeply, we both know we want to be loved differently.

Right now I'm still going between the depression/despair and some irrational nostalgic notion that maybe things could be the way I thought they were (in my mind I know that these are rose tinted memories)

How do former couples get along usually? I'm a child of divorce, where my Mom moved two states away and I went with her. My parents were cordial, I think.

My ex thinks that we should remain friends, but I think that will make the grieving process harder for me. I wonder if this desire to remain friends is a way for her to not fully have to let go. But if you want the milk, you buy the cow.

Should I be wary, or should I be grateful here? How do I protect myself from catching feelings some days and dragging my healing for to long


Raising this dead article as Microsoft now delivers extended support pricing details for those who choose not to migrate to the newer version of Windows. The one they were told they'd not ever have to migrate to

Keep em scared (self.standupcomedy)
submitted 11 months ago by cmeu to c/standupcomedy

blocking a fire exit (self.standupcomedy)
submitted 11 months ago by cmeu to c/standupcomedy

the agent's argument in the matrix (self.nostupidquestions)
submitted 1 year ago by cmeu to c/nostupidquestions

He said to Neo that humans are like a virus, breeding and infecting the world with our "stick" and general disgustingness.

I look around the world, at the state of society, the environment, international conflict and the enshitification of humanity - I've gone through my life blindly accepting that life for life's sake is beautiful, and worth it.

But as I see the state of it all, our perpetual need to destroy each other over ideas and resources, I struggle to come to grips with it. Societies around the world are facing population shrinkage... Do they all know something I don't?

Is human life beautiful, and objectively worth perpetuating? Or are we a blight? Why should we be?

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