These are gorgeous! Do you use a special kind of camera for this, or do you just take two photos a couple centimeters apart?
My favorite druid was a Wizard / Druid (Circle of the Land) multiclass. From a role-playing perspective I didn't really differentiate between his wizard spells and his druid spells - he was a "hedge mage" hermit who taught himself how to work magic. He used a component pouch because that covered all the non-scarce spell components for both classes.
From a gameplay perspective, he wasn't very powerful because his access to higher-level spells was delayed. On the other hand, he had a WIDE variety of lower-level spells. He was able to cast most level-appropriate ritual spells from both classes, always had a utility spell ready for any situation, and Arcane Recovery + Natural Recovery meant he almost never ran out of slots. He was a good versatile caster.
Oh, and he was a goblin who used Disguise Self to pass as a gnome whenever he visited civilization.
Try [email protected] , you might find what you're looking for there. I'm going to continue sharing my ovo-lacto vegetarian meals here because it's what I enjoy, and nobody has made any attempt to set other expectations or standards for this sub.
(edited for politeness)
Fascinating read, thank you for sharing!
Why did you choose this over regular elbow mac
More surface area for the sauce to cover. Also, the larger pieces make it easier to get a good ratio of mushroom-to-pasta on every fork.
is it fair and appropriate to call it "mac" and cheese
It says "enriched macaroni product" on the box. Macaroni is any narrow tubular pasta made from durum wheat, including penne, elbows, and other shapes.
and what is your recipe?
I'm still working out the kinks in the recipe, and I did not measure anything at all, so I'll type up a proper recipe next time. Basically it goes like this:
Sautée the mushrooms and spinach in oil with a little salt, pepper, garlic powder.
Add a couple tablespoons of flour to the veggies and oil, make a roux.
Add a few cups of milk slowly and gradually, make a white sauce.
Add a ton of shredded cheddar and Muenster cheese, keep stirring until it's all smooth and creamy. Then add the boiled pasta and mix it together.
Bake it in the oven. 400°-ish for 15-ish minutes? I neglected this step but it turns out it's important because otherwise the cheese sauce doesn't set right and you end up with globs of cheese separating back out of the sauce.
It looks delicious.
Thank you! 🥰
This article has a deeper dive into what happened.
That's the exact same article as the OP. Did you mean to link a different article?
Thanks, it worked and I started with the +50 war score.
Also I see what you mean, not much you can really do with a hook in the middle of a war. I think the best I could have hoped for would have been digging up a secret that I could expose in order to hurt his reputation with his vassals.
Thanks for the recommendations, I'm nearing the end of my first campaign and I'll definitely be installing VIET for my second campaign
Update: my leper grandson did not survive childhood, but it's okay. I was able to preserve my alliance with the Mongols through further marriages, and to my surprise, the new Khagan's family has even converted to my faith (Ukonusko i.e. Finnish paganism, if you'll believe it).
If everything works out, my player heir in two generations will be the Khagan.