Also adding my English condolences, can't agree with you strongly enough. UK is fucked, need to emigrate
Me too, glad I wasn't disappointed
+1 for taskmaster. The James acaster season is top notch
Factorio cranking up towards 800 hours with the new expansion out. I dread to think how many hours got sunk into WoW over the years....
A drawer full of emergency makeshift weapons? Yes. Also a junk drawer? Yes, more than one.
+1 for notesnook, self hosting coming soon
Like others have said it depends on the field you want to code for and language choice. The field might inform your language choice.
I'd highly recommend python as your first if you're just looking to get stuck in. It'll teach good fundamentals, it doesn't have a steep learning curve and it has a very wide set of applications plus loads of community support. This website is what I recommend to anyone wanting to learn python:
Good luck!
Along with the suggestions here can also recommend a short hike. There's also a bunch of short, fulfilling games on and the developers see more of your cash vs steam, worth considering if you're so inclined.
I also go through phases like this, particularly in the winter. You could be suffering from depression or if this is a more recent thing as the days get shorter maybe its SAD. Get some sunshine and a SAD lamp and see if that helps. If not, worth talking to a professional like others have suggested. Godspeed fellow gamer!
Thanks! Uploaded again :) too many cats in the server
You're right! I missed it somehow