I'm hoping Ukraine wins because I'm against imperialism and I respect the sovereignty of other nations. Pretty simple if you ask me.
Jill Stein?
- Yes.
- No.
Why wouldn't you fight against animal cruelty?
He's pandering to his right wing sycophants and pushing the boundaries of free speech on his platform so that when he inevitably faces consequences, he can immediately play the victim and say "see, I told you this is what the left would do!"
Normally I'd say don't give him the attention, but he's a Nazi sympathizer, and those motherfuckers deserve condemnation.
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Mexico would like a "word", Marcy.
Fig. A-1 Illustrates the ideal meat to bread ratio for the perfect sandwich.
Exploitation of labor is a huge problem in many industries, but the amount of desensitizing horror and PTSD that occurs in slaughterhouses and meatpacking plants is on a whole different level.
If you look too closely at any way humans use animals, it gets sad really fast.
Exactly. He's still the same person who thinks Trump is "America's Hitler", he just realized he has a lot to gain from being Hitler's #2.