Ah yeah of course. That makes sense, thanks!
Can you not just avoid the problem by not binding any end devices to the bulbs?
Ah yeah of course. That makes sense, thanks!
Can you not just avoid the problem by not binding any end devices to the bulbs?
A Shelly RGBCCT isn't going to control a GU10 bulb.
Ok I’ll admit my ignorance. Why not?
Ah got it.
What do you mean, happened to you yesterday? What happened exactly?
There’s Qubino Z-Wave devices, and some Bluetooth ones though my experience with those has been a bit dubious. And integration outside of their own ecosystem is still via WiFi (except for sensor beacons which are BLE).
The issue was that using the old mechanical switch would shut down the router in the bulbs. A relay absolutely solves that.
In any case, it seems to be possible to use a Shelly RGBW2 in CCT mode. Here’s an example of how to do it in Home Assistant’s native Shelly integration though OP says there’s also tutorials around showing how to do it via MQTT.
Or a relay switch and keep the existing mechanical switch on top. I like Shelly but there are tons of options.
Have you got any references to that?
Another commenter posted an article from over 5 years ago with something close to what you describe, but I don’t think they’d be reacting now to something that happened that long ago.
Sorry I’m out of the loop. What did they get caught doing?
money is meant to change hands and should never become an asset worth holding.
Forgive my admitted ignorance. If money should never become an asset worth holding, how can inflation be better than deflation for the working class?
Proportionately, the rich hold a lot more money assets than the poor, who generally don’t hold any or very little.
“Alleged?” What game are you playing here, Guardian?
This must be the most well documented attempted coup in the history of world politics. Not just a coup, but also (ongoing) plans to assassinate the President elect, the Vice-President elect and a Supreme Court justice.
Mobile app, web app, firmware, bootloader…
I wish that were true. Rare are the days when it graces us over here with its presence.