
joined 2 years ago
[–] c10l 0 points 14 hours ago

I don’t know which small phones have been released recently but I’ve used an iPhone Mini and decided against it. Not because it’s small but rather because it’s not small enough.

See, I do like a big screen more than a small one. That said, the phone is something I carry in my pocket so there’s a balancing act to be done there. What was really great about the original iPhone’s size was not that it had a small screen. It’s that it was small enough that I could reach all corners of the screen with my thumb.

None of the recent small phones I tried had that advantage. In that case, since there’s no clear usability advantage to the smaller model, I’ll take the larger screen instead.

[–] c10l 5 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Bath water … baby ?

I mean, the logical step is to go to Debian sid, which, despite its alternative name unstable, is really not. I’ve been running a gaming rig on it for over a year with nothing more than vey vey minor hiccups, mostly because I’m impatient and run apt full-upgrade frequently.

[–] c10l 8 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

The problem is that some of the block lists are just too eager on the blocking.

I don’t see how the author can claim that NextDNS or AdGuard are any better in that regard though, as they rely on the same lists. 🤦

[–] c10l 1 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

I have high hopes for Matter but as it stands today it’s a pretty big mess and usability is generally horrible.

[–] c10l 1 points 1 month ago

“O Brasil é dos brasileiros” soa a xenofobia. Xenofobia nacionalista não é muito melhor que vira-latismo entreguista.

[–] c10l 26 points 1 month ago (3 children)

HDR shines the most on OLED. Pun not intended. 😅

[–] c10l 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

My point is that not all houses can be insulated externally. In fact, many cannot even if it would be technically viable.

I thought it was pretty obvious but happy to clarify!

[–] c10l 0 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Are electrical combis actually better than gas though? Sure there will be fewer emissions on the edge (the end user house) but it’s not nearly as efficient as a heat pump, which would put pressure on the grid, increasing the need for gas and coal power plants.

I’m wildly speculating here though, I have 0 data to back up this hypothesis.

[–] c10l 1 points 1 month ago (3 children)

I live in a conservation area where external insulation will be a hard sell. There’s a lot of such areas around, some a lot more restrictive than where I am.

[–] c10l 1 points 1 month ago

Yeah I had a heat pump engineer come and do a survey and heat loss calculation, and the conclusion is that I would require 2 pumps to produce enough heat. I’d be looking at around 20 grand upfront for that, after the government grant being applied.

For that money I could probably replace all windows with triple glaze and add insulation, and come out a lot more efficient than replacing the gas boiler.

In fairness, that would also likely get the house ready for a single pump, and when electricity prices cease to be kept artificially high it will probably be economical to make the switch.

[–] c10l 17 points 1 month ago

Odd way of phrasing this. It’s not like as you start knowing less about AI, your trust on it increases. It’s the other way around: the more you know, the less you trust.

I’m aware from a strictly formal logic point-of-view these are technically the same but the cognitive impact of how the message is delivered seems relevant.

Square peg, round hole (self.showerthoughts)
submitted 5 months ago by c10l to c/[email protected]

If the whole “square peg, round hole” BS was a valid argument for anything, all doors we go through would have to be shaped exactly like our own profile as we pass them.


I finally got around to configuring virtual surround, so I added a section to my blog post describing my Debian setup.

This particular section is not in any way dependent on Debian and should work just the same in most distros that use Pipewire.

Debian for Gaming (blog.c10l.cc)
submitted 1 year ago by c10l to c/linux_gaming

A few days ago I published my Debian setup for gaming. Let me know if anything in there doesn't make sense or could be improved!


Makes you wonder who approves these layouts.

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