
joined 9 months ago
[–] bus_factor 27 points 15 hours ago

Also: Move stuff, don't delete it. It's faster to restore from a renamed folder than from backup.

[–] bus_factor 16 points 1 day ago

Maybe they need to stop reusing old Sunny D jugs for storing insect repellent.

[–] bus_factor 4 points 1 week ago

We may have just gotten lucky. I also had a great time in Venice once by wandering off randomly and ending up somewhere I can only assume tourists don't normally go. We bought some fruit off a boat which was both delicious and very affordable, so I assume the target demographic was not tourists. I'm pretty sure that's not the universal experience of Venice either.

[–] bus_factor 1 points 1 week ago

You can work around this with a combination of LinkSheet and Lemmy Redirect. However, it gave me trouble logging into Samsung SmartThings once, don't remember why.

[–] bus_factor 0 points 1 week ago

We were in the mood for a chill day, so it was nice to just chill in a park and walk through some random old neighborhoods until we stumbled across a restaurant. There's nothing chill about Milan, though, at least not where a clueless tourist would find it.

[–] bus_factor 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

"Just Google it" was always worthless advice, even when Google worked right. When you look up information on the Internet, you need prior knowledge in order to assess the information. Maybe this is great info? Maybe it's dumb and whoever wrote it is a moron? Without prior knowledge you don't know. With prior knowledge you can see what they say about the things you already know and decide from that.

I once tried to configure a Cisco access point, with zero prior experience with Cisco IOS. Simple stuff, but I knew nothing and had to Google it. I found some blog explaining it, but it looked weird. But I also knew IOS is weird, so maybe it's right? Hard to say! I reached out to an old friend who is Cisco certified to verify, he told me to ignore that thing and showed me what I should actually do. It really made me realize how useless googling something is if you don't have the prior knowledge to assess it.

[–] bus_factor 132 points 1 week ago (19 children)

As a European from elsewhere in Europe, I'm never going back to Milan. Maybe it's fine if you're into fashion, but if you're not there's not much to look at except a cathedral which resembles every other cathedral, and it's impossible to get a photo of it without also having a friendship bracelet scammer in the frame, actively harassing you.

All tourist locations in Italy and France have people trying to scam you (and some non-scammers just trying to sell you cheap toys), but Milan is the only place I've been to where they're straight up harassing you non-stop. Go to Pisa instead, it's super relaxing there and you can marvel at their past mistakes in structural engineering. A far better deal.

[–] bus_factor 19 points 1 week ago

Geocities were gone before Gen Z was born. They were born after 2000 and grew up with tablets and apps. A Gen Z family member of mine learned about file folders from me after the age of 18.

[–] bus_factor 17 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

The challenge makes sense coming from Trump. He was super proud that he passed a cognitive test earlier, while everyone else was asking what prompted the test in the first place. No doubt he thinks he's actually smart for having passed and thinks he could beat Biden.

[–] bus_factor 3 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Which is odd, because Lemmy doesn't even have karma.

[–] bus_factor 6 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

I'm going to need a translation and/or explanation of the insults he received. I don't understand the ones they wrote out, far less the censored one, and I feel like I'm missing out on something.

[–] bus_factor 1 points 4 weeks ago

It's back now.

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