Yes, jailbroken iPhone 12 Pro Max
Bottom ones are best
I’ve been playing games since I was a kid, but I never got hooked to any until The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Now I’m playing the sequel, Tears of the Kingdom. They’re both fantastic games.
I found another missing icon.
Teams on Windows is just as trash.
Use my post as an example.
- Tap on Inbox
- Tap a comment notification from me
- Tap any screenshot I posted to view it
- App crashes to Home Screen
Invariant Violation: scrollToIndex should be used in conjunction with getItemLayout or onScrollToIndexFailed, otherwise there is no way to know the location of offscreen indices or handle failures.\n at invariant (\/Users\/steve228uk\/Library\/Developer\/Xcode\/DerivedData\/Bean-gywywfprrpnogucbdjxvbdjfggrp\/Build\/Intermediates.noindex\/ArchiveIntermediates\/Bean Release\/BuildProductsPath\/Release-iphoneos\/main.jsbundle:1450:26)\n at scrollToIndex (\/Users\/steve228uk\/Library\/Developer\/Xcode\/DerivedData\/Bean-gywywfprrpnogucbdjxvbdjfggrp\/Build\/Intermediates.noindex\/ArchiveIntermediates\/Bean Release\/BuildProductsPath\/Release-iphoneos\/main.jsbundle:32211:34)\n at scrollToIndex (\/Users\/steve228uk\/Library\/Developer\/Xcode\/DerivedData\/Bean-gywywfprrpnogucbdjxvbdjfggrp\/Build\/Intermediates.noindex\/ArchiveIntermediates\/Bean Release\/BuildProductsPath\/Release-iphoneos\/main.jsbundle:31389:38)\n at anonymous (\/Users\/steve228uk\/Library\/Developer\/Xcode\/DerivedData\/Bean-gywywfprrpnogucbdjxvbdjfggrp\/Build\/Intermediates.noindex\/ArchiveIntermediates\/Bean Release\/BuildProductsPath\/Release-iphoneos\/main.jsbundle:122384:42)\n at commitHookEffectListMount (\/Users\/steve228uk\/Library\/Developer\/Xcode\/DerivedData\/Bean-gywywfprrpnogucbdjxvbdjfggrp\/Build\/Intermediates.noindex\/ArchiveIntermediates\/Bean Release\/BuildProductsPath\/Release-iphoneos\/main.jsbundle:22443:37)\n at flushPassiveEffects (\/Users\/steve228uk\/Library\/Developer\/Xcode\/DerivedData\/Bean-gywywfprrpnogucbdjxvbdjfggrp\/Build\/Intermediates.noindex\/ArchiveIntermediates\/Bean Release\/BuildProductsPath\/Release-iphoneos\/main.jsbundle:23548:46)\n at anonymous (\/Users\/steve228uk\/Library\/Developer\/Xcode\/DerivedData\/Bean-gywywfprrpnogucbdjxvbdjfggrp\/Build\/Intermediates.noindex\/ArchiveIntermediates\/Bean Release\/BuildProductsPath\/Release-iphoneos\/main.jsbundle:23418:26
No worries. I’m glad I could help.
By the way, I just found a reproducible way to make the app crash. I have a nice crash log with a stack trace. What’s the best way to get it to you?
Can confirm. I see all the icons now. I didn’t even realize how many icons I was missing. Suddenly some buttons exist that I didn’t know about.
Exactly. I don’t get them as often as daily, but I have gotten a bunch. I just mark them as spam and move on with my life. Not only would I never sell my hard work to a shady company, but I’d also never willfully harm my user base. It’s like scam calls I suppose. To me, routine scam calls are blatantly obvious, but since I still get them so frequently, they must be fooling some people.
I agree with all of those points.
Is it still paid? According to this article, it looks like all we need to do is turn on the feature in Settings > Discussion.