
joined 1 year ago
[–] btaf45 1 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 4 hours ago)

Biden absolutely killed it in his state of the union address. How the f*ck did this happen? I am furious at Biden for letting down the country.

[–] btaf45 1 points 5 hours ago (1 children)

He absolutely can be replaced at this stage, and by nearly anyone.

He absolutely can't be legally replaced unless he agrees to that. And the replacement would automatically be Harris unless she agrees to allow someone else. The DNC charter says that only the voters can select the nominee. Changing that charter this close to an election likely wouldn't stand up in courts. The only way to replace Biden would be to convince him to step down.

[–] btaf45 0 points 5 hours ago (1 children)

We got FDR and LBJ and Lincoln and Washington. So if you think that then that's on your own faulty thinking.

[–] btaf45 4 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago) (1 children)

Any change no matter if is too late or too inconvenient would be a better change for the DNC than to allow Biden at the top position.

It's not up to the DNC to "allow" candidates or not. The DNC charter says the voters choose the nominee. They literally have no power to change the will of the voters. They could theoretically alter the Dem party charter, but doing so this close to an election would likely not stand up in courts. The only possible way to get a replacement candidate cough Gavin Newsom cough would be for Biden to formally ask his delegates not to select him. And since Harris would be the automatic replacement she would likely have to agree to allow someone else.

[–] btaf45 5 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago) (1 children)

and likely never vote for a majority political party again.

If Trump wins you will never get to vote in a free and fair election ever again.

[–] btaf45 6 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago)

That’s the problem, everyone told the DNC this was going to happen and yet they all just kept with Biden.

What is with this absurd disconnect from reality? The DNC charter says only the voters have the power to choose the nominee.

[–] btaf45 3 points 5 hours ago

Bring in Gavin Newsom NOW.

[–] btaf45 7 points 5 hours ago

RIP usa your fates sealed

So is the rest of the world. What is in store next for humanity is an era of global chaos followed by nuclear war.

[–] btaf45 4 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago)

Enjoy your new era of global chaos followed by nuclear war.

[–] btaf45 2 points 5 hours ago

Coming up next: 40 years of dystopian Fascism. This is going to suck so much for people still in their 20's. My advice is to start organizing the Resistance RIGHT NOW. I am absolutely stunned to see the most successful country in the world completely collapse in a single day.

[–] btaf45 2 points 6 hours ago


And that Convicted Felon and Sex Offender Treason Trump said he is going to give unlimited green cards to foreigners to work American jobs because billionaires gave him money.

He should have said both of those things every single time immigration was brought up.

[–] btaf45 1 points 13 hours ago* (last edited 13 hours ago) (1 children)

You just did the same thing

WTF are you talking about.

You do understand by engaging with the smears it brings you down with Trump right?

I always treat people the way they deserve. i.e. the way they treat others.

Joe Biden doesn’t get sleepy huh?

I've never seen Biden 'sleepy' in public. Like I have seen with Convicted Felon and Certified Sex Offender Trump. He's fallen asleep nearly day of his criminal trial. So the only reason to assign that adjective to Biden would be as a ridiculous Trump political smear.

submitted 16 hours ago by btaf45 to c/music
submitted 1 day ago by btaf45 to c/music
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