What about the planned economy that learns from the previous one's mistakes? Or the one after that?
Based on all the past experiments, they all fail.
Every person and company has complex needs and desires and ultimately, it's impossible for a central authority to fully anticipate and manage that over the size of a nation, because the quantity of parameters and unknown is almost infinite. Heck I don't even know what I'll want to eat for dinner!
Without even diving into the issue of concentrating so much power into a single hand. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Supprimer l'abattement de 10% pour frais professionnels pour les retraités est une excellente idée. Cette niche fiscale est injustifiée et vouloir s'y attaquer n'a absolument rien de saugrenue.
Idem pour la CSG des retraités qui devraient être remontée au même niveau que les actifs.