Mildly offensive Cpt. Obvious boring ass uncle. That's how I see Joe.
I just wanna be treated like a human being. If you like to have an arrogant bully manipulating you as she pleases then enjoy that fucked up relationship. Just remember, being raised without ever hearing an apologize doesn't mean u don't deserve it.
Vote if u please, but don't call that thing a human being.
When she publicly apologizes for her past drug and inmate politics, we can call it a day. Until then they just fucking our ass and asking for our vote later.
Fun fact: kamala means 'terrible' in finnish.
There is one critical step missing between 'rob the succesful' and 'starve everybody to death':
The succesful revenge by sacrifying all the cattle.
My point is to encourage ppl to read. Too many illiterates influencing this world out there.
Please, read article before commenting strong opinions. Half of the country, not two thirds.
I hate lazy journalists. 'Now Beijing’s position is now...' 'China advocates for ending the ceasefire...' !!! 🤯
That guy is using every resource available to secure his seat... must be desperate.
It's not that. Western cityboys will never understand arabic culture.
Donald Trump photo without eyebrow bandage raises ears.
Which country is CHE?