Okey, but I mean what are the threats to my privacy if I use telegram?
What are the biggest threats in telegram? Corporations, widespread scams or individual ppl closer to me?
Coming soon: mouth inhaler for depression:
Yeah, why try too hard when everybody is gonna remember sloppy Joe anyways.
Great article. It's sad nowadays these Big Tech monopoly companies are so integrated on the minds of most of the young and adult generations they can't even comprehend that profitting from fooling us can be stopped or limited at all. Like there is no open source alternatives at all. I guess it's mental laziness.
Mama Kamala's specialty.
Yeah, the threat was protesting.
Yeah, good luck being recognized by the US with this motto: ''There is no God but Allah; Muhammad is the Messenger of God'' https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Somaliland
That is a shame, but still not a big surprise. In comparison Apple has been sharing all kind of iPhone push notifications with the US government. I guess no other app will save your privacy from gvt. iPhone notifications to US gvt.