Damn what a pass.
I'm not sure I've seen that before, passing out at the end of a spin move.
Damn what a pass.
I'm not sure I've seen that before, passing out at the end of a spin move.
Fuck off you leech on society.
Do NOT be asking other people if they can't read after you've repeatedly demonstrated your poor grasp of the English language.
Apparently someone having tattoos is a good enough reason not to rent to them?
Please bitch. Understand you are a stain on society. Congrats on owning enough property to leech off of someone else's hard earned money.
Fuck all the way off.
Go fly a kite. Do whatever the fuck you want I don't give a shit.
This scene for example:
Especially once the alarms start, that dialogue is just a sound effect.
Thanks so much for the write up.
Both posts.
I finally have my overspecced monster coming in Thursday.
Gonna be so good upgrading from a machine that takes 26 seconds on average to spit out a 640x480 image .
No thanks.
We tried that in 2016
Great job man!
Meth is perfectly bioavailable when take orally.
People crush/snort/inject it because it hits faster.
It seems you're thinking about heroin. You do need to snort or inject heroin for it to be bioavailable.
How is your latency on Chiaki?
I have pretty decent home wifi and honestly...
It's just not a great experience.
Although tbf I installed it once on a macbook and the experience was not great. Didn't do hardly any finagling to improve latency
Fair enough.
And I apologize for the harsh tone.
I read the article you linked, and I was like "what's this guy talking about".
Have a nice day.
Yes, I need to learn to read not the dumbass landlord entirely out of touch with the world.
Get the fuck out of here with your sanctimonious bullshit.