Better than ICE cars. Way more efficient and doesn't take up as much space on the road. As long as it's not one of those deafeningly loud ones, I wouldn't worry about it. If you're using your bicycle when you can, you're already doing more than most people. If money's no object, you could get an EV motorcycle, but don't feel like you need to change. I am personally in the same boat as Neato though, I'd never ride one in the US, but that doesn't really matter for your question.
Personally, I live in suburban hell. Public transit sucks here, there's nothing in walking distance, and incredibly narrow bike lines (if any at all) to get anywhere useful. I switched to an EV (car) because there's literally no other way to commute where I live.
In video, common frame rates are 30, 29.97, 24, and 23.976. (Almost) anything else will be a multiple of those. Your monitor might not actually run at 30hz * 4, it runs at 29.97hz * 4 which is why you see an option like 119.88. Sometimes that’s displayed as 120 to the user for simplicity, but in this case they’re showing the actual value (or it might support both).